Tank LF AOTC or Mythic Progression guild

Schedule availability: I am available from 7pm CST until Midnight.

Been taking a break for season 4 and the guild I was joining fell apart before they could get going. My previous season experience is typically the first few bosses of Mythic if not AOTC minimum. I haven’t found a guild I felt could or would push CE without losing their minds this expac so still looking for my forever home.

Currently working on new season mythic score and open to any group that is AOTC oriented at a minimum and I don’t mind pushing into Mythic for funsies; not interested in pushing CE unless the group is relaxed enough to handle it.

Alzhammer#1406 Bnet
Oceolachatiraka777 Discord
You can always find me in game as Beaware currently on Sargeras.

Added you on discord. Sounds like you might be a good fit for the guild I am trying to start. Our goal is AoTC maybe mythic if the group wants. We raid 2 nights a week right now Tuesday Wednesday 8 to 10 cst. We are fresh so still recruiting people before we start but would love to have you join the team. If interested or have any questions I think I added you. If not @ kingbeezus