[A] Wyrmrest-Accord <Mythic Tea Party> Recruiting for Season 4 / War Within - Mythic Plus

Mythic Tea Party is a relaxed guild aiming to progress swiftly through Mythic Plus content each season. We intend on maintaining a welcoming and flexible environment, where members can play their own way, and get goals accomplished within the guild.

Our focus is on Mythic Plus for now, with the possibility of establishing a Rated 3v3 / Raid team later. We strive to create a supportive community where everyone can achieve their goals.

Our guild caters to newcomers to World of Warcraft, as well as families, solo players, veteran gamers, and players of all ages. We also embrace diversity and strive to be an LGBTQ-inclusive guild, providing a safe and welcoming space for everyone.

Let’s not miss any seasonal loot - join us on Discord: discord.gg/PEwyU4MnWF

Thanks for considering us!