<Slay Station> on Frostmourne (US) recruiting for PvE content! LF officer potentials too

Guild & Server: Frostmourne (US) - Oceanic.
Raid Times/Days: Running normal ATM (have cleared normal), looking to try a few Heroic together soon but not taking that seriously now the season is coming to an end. Will be doing Fated Raids in Season 4. Saturday nights 8pm AEDT.
Current Progression: Newish guild of about 30ish players. We’ve cleared normal raid together as a guild and have members running keys up to 20+ and all members are happy to help with any key level also! Quite a few members have AOTC, KSM & KSH and aim to get this each season.
Recruitment Contact: in-game name Ammarriell-Frostmourne. We are up in the Guild Finder as well if you’d like to request to join.
Requirements: No hard requirements. Kindness always. Really looking for members that have a “guild is what you make it attitude”. No cliquey or elitist behaviour is welcome. We strive for an inclusive environment for all players at different experience levels. We are looking to recruit 1-2 officer roles also - at the discretion of the GM and other officers, so you would need to prove that you demonstrate our guild values and gel well with us first before being considered.

Female GM. Most of us are based in Australia. Current members enjoy farming, hunting achievements, mythic keys (we enjoy chasing KSM and KSH). We are social, responsive in discord, always happy to help people out with anything too so we are looking for like-minded people that we can build a community with. LGBTQIA+ friendly. Discrimination, sexism and exclusion is not welcome.

Anyone is welcome, don’t be afraid to reach out with any questions or if you’d like to join!