Guild Recruitment (USA)

First: This entire thing is edited. Multiple times.

When posting please put your guild on there or put your future guild on here if anyone’s interested! If you’re interested in helping to make a future guild also comment as well! For example: (This is my future guild, just need 4 players to sign the guild thing)
I will also put all of my alts in the guild (about 14)

Name: Collectors’ Consortium
Focuses: All of them in the bounds of collecting!
Crest: Well. I’m going to make one, I guess?
Language: English
Looking For: Collectors, just no crazy rude people

You don’t have to officially join, join & leave is completely fine. I prefer join and leave.
This is a work in progress, things can be edited, this is not definite.

This guild is just basically everything. Raiding. Mythic+. PvP. Goldmaking. Whatever else in mind. It’s basically for collectors.