181 Blood Death Knight LFG | Old time Hardcore raider | Would need EST times as I work 7AM to 4PM

This is a repost, But I wanted to try and type it out better and what not.

My name is John, 31 I’ve played my death knight for a very long time, and I’m starting to fall in love with tanking again and really want to main spec it again. At the end of BfA i played a warlock and didn’t really have fun with it. But last time I tanked I did CE Ghuun

I have a few gaps in my raiding history but going to try and go over it. Because I have a lot of experience

BfA: Big things I did with CE G’huun, and took a break for work then came back on the lock and got to mythic Vex.
Legion: we got up to Argus and I was off tanking alot of that.
Warlords: I tanked for highmaul, and blackrock foundry. Didn’t do much in hellfire
MoP: Played a mage in Vaults, HoF and Terrace, then had to quit because I was working for NESL as a shoutcaster for league of legends and went full time.
Cata: Firelord pre triangle nerf was the biggest thing I did.
WoTLK: 5m malygos, 3D sarth, Server First Grand Crusader, ICC cleared 11/12 no buff.
BC: Cleared BT pre nerf, clearing Sunwell post nerf.

I have a lot of experience and really want to find a home and be able to raid, have fun, see bosses and get gear.

If I need to be a off-spec tank and main-spec DPS I can, I just started SL as a tank so I can get to clearing M+ faster for gear.

Lets talk, I’m ready to transfer right away and get this going. I want a home. A bunch of friends to kill Sh*t with. I like alliance but honestly I don’t care, I’ll go horde for the right group.

BNet: JGussey#1719
Discord: JGussey#4713

Hello Zeaa! I don’t know what level of play you’re looking to get into, but I own a small, semi-casual guild on servers Rexxar/Misha named Wolves of the North. We’re trying to regroup and recruit members for upcoming SL content. Our goal is to get a 10-15 player raid group to run Saturday & Sundays 9pm - 12am EST. We also plan do do m+ runs in time.

We’re all mature players, and have prior commitments in the real life. We’re all here to have fun, and run content together. No unrealistic hard-core goals set. No intense scheduling. Semi-casual AOTC mindset, with priority in having fun.

If you’re interested, my discord is zdunny69#4257, feel free to message me with any questions!

up up up :grinning: :grinning: :grinning:

Hey John,

If you’re open to joining a newer guild, is a fresh guild run by a couple old time raiders returning from early BfA raiding, and we’re looking for a Blood DK for our roster. Our main focus is fleshing out a solid 10 man group for raiding as we expand and grow to form a close knit, 30 man raiding group. Low stress, mostly casual people who have bigger things to worry about like work and school, we raid Tuesdays and Thursday evenings, 8-11EST.

Feel free to message me if you want more info, @stills#1285


hi there john!!!

let me tell ya a bit about our guild, the heroes company . is a decade-old CE experienced guild recruiting heroes of the Alliance to fill up our raid team. We are seeking any and all interested in our W+Th 1900-2330 raid times PST. if these times would be good for you wed love to have you on the team my name is beautyinwar#1784 if youd like to add me on real id or my guild leads real id is quixsis#1477 hope to hear from ya john and have a wonderful day!!

Hello there Zéaa.

Extended Maintenance is a long established guild on US Silvermoon (connected realms: Drak’thul, Skywall, Mok’Nathal, Borean Tundra, Shadowsong, Hydraxis and Terenas), formed well over 11 years ago now! We are currently looking to do AotC and Mythic+ content going into Shadowlands with a player focused mentality.

Bellow is our current needs and requirements for raiding, however we are always looking for new, friendly and active players to join our community.

If we feel like a we might be a good fit for you, please shoot me a message via B.net or discord.

Scruffles#11132 (Battle Net)
scrufflesthewonderkin#0756 (Discord)

Bumping! Working today, But I’m right next to my computer so I’ll be free all day.

Been a few hours bump