1,800 Gold To Open 100 Twilight Clipping

So I lost my mind today and decided to spend 1,800 gold to test out something I was curious about.

I bought 1000 twilight texts to turn into the Kermit in Silithus to see if the true believer clippings would yield me any profit. Each turn in at the Kermit cost 10 twilight texts and yields 0 rep but instead mail the clipping bag reward 2 hours afterward.

The turn in cost roughly 18g per one with a chance for blue recipe patterns and other scrolls for summoning bosses in Silithus.

Full Guide Here

It’s quite interesting to see how it turned out.

Spoiler Alert Below:

The loot: ( Updated Prices and what sold so far )
45g - Raw Gold for Turn In Quest
20g - Random int, spirit, str, agility scrolls
45g - Water Scepter x1 (45g each)
45g - Fire Scepter x 1 (45g each)
12g - Water Crest x 6 (2g each)
24g - Earth Crest x12 (2g each)
60g - Air Crest x10 (6g each)
64g - Fire Crest x 8 (8g each)
21g - Water Signet x 3 (7g each)
32g - Stone Beckoning Signet x4 (8g each)
50g - Air Signet x 10 (10g each)
60g - Fire Signet x4 (20g each ) Sold 2 so far

25g - Darkrune Helm x 5 (5g each)
50g - Darkrune Guanlets x 1
72g - Darkrune Guanlets x 6 (12g each)
210g - Stygian Legs x3 (70g each)
420g - Stygian Belts x7 (60g each)
200g - Stygian Boots x 1

Total spent:
1,000 Twilight Text x 1.8g each = 1,800 gold
Estimate worth after being sold. ( All values factored at lowest price )
1,455 gold
Loss of 345g possibly more after auction house fee’s

This method is only good if you either have good luck with getting the higher value items. OR you sell the items at market value as I’m factoring worse case pricing just in case they don’t sell.

Let me know your thoughts and if you got any other cool ideas on opening things like this and ozzing bags that I could try to see if it’s profitable or not.

I’m going to test the abyssal signet turn in next going to be expensive testing.


Interesting data. I approve of your scientific research. I’d give you grant money for further research hit I’m broke


Hahaha it’s ok I farmed a ton and now just having fun testing things. I’m going to try to turn in 75 abyssal signets costing me roughly 2.1k gold next to see what kind of goodies I get from those bags.

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Thanks for doing the research!

For science!



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Haha u nailed it

someone already did a youtube video doing this

hey op whos ur main i wanna get you banned for plagiarism

Do it on the PTR for free

That’s great idea. Now is ptr always exactly the same as I have had guildies say they did ptr for say zg and some things were diff after it went live. Idk if there are changes it would effect the bag things but that is a great idea but takes away the risk factor I kind like the feeling of gambling lol

private server players have done classic 7 or 8 times over

if there was an advantage in this it would be already known