Season of Discovery Hotfixes - March 12

February 11, 2025

Season of Discovery

  • Reduced the cost of World Buff consumables and reputation items purchased with Commendation Signets by 50%. World Buff consumable items now stack up to 20.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Scourge invasions to respawn slower based on number of layers on a realm. Scourge invasions now respawn regardless of the number of layers.
  • The spawn rate of Blood of Heroes in both Eastern Plaguelands and Western Plaguelands has been adjusted to accommodate the additional vendor cost of Tier 3 set rings.
  • Enriched Manna Biscuits from Argent Dawn reputation now restore a percentage of your health per second while inside Naxxramas, to allow players who have large health pools with the Seal of the Dawn active to get back on their feet faster.
  • The Violet Satchel quest now correctly requires the Violet Satchel and consumes it on turn in. Once the Violet Satchel quest has been completed, the Violet Satchel and Scrap of Parchment no longer drops. If you have completed this quest previously and have any of these in your inventory now, you can safely delete these items.
  • Karazhan Crypts
    • Fixed an issue that was causing the Dark Rider to despawn during the Torment’s Illusion mechanic.
    • The Frostbolt Volley from Sairuh Maryla in the Karazhan Crypts now has the correct tooltip on its debuff, and now slows players whenever it hits them, regardless of how far away they were.
    • Kharon: The Red Death can no longer hit mind-controlled targets.
  • Naxxramas
    • Instructor Razuvious’ Disrupting Shout will now correctly be reduced by pet Avoidance.
    • Heigan’s Mana Burn will now correctly be reduced by pet Avoidance.
    • Kel’Thuzad’s Void Fissures will no longer hit pets.
      • Developers’ notes: We’ve reduced the requirement to micromanage your pet’s movement in cases where it doesn’t result in practical gameplay. We’ve retained mechanics such as Detonate Mana striking pets, or Sapphiron’s Drain Life and Heigan’s Disease hitting pets, as these provide gameplay moments beyond merely avoiding damage through movement.
    • Gothik the Harvester
      • Reduced the health of Gothik and his summons.
    • The Four Horsemen
      • Spirits of the Horsemen should no longer persist through resets.
    • Sapphiron
      • Avoidance now correctly works on Sapphiron’s Frost Aura.
      • Sapphiron’s Frost Breath will no longer hit pets that have an Avoidance aura on them.
  • Druid
    • The Restoration Druid Tier 3 2-piece set bonus will now correctly proc once every few seconds (was a proc on every instance of damage).
  • Hunter
    • Changed the Melee Hunter Set so that the 6-piece effect falls off if you perform a ranged attack. Players can speak to Huntsman Leopold to exchange their Melee Tier 3 Hunter pieces, one way, for the Ranged Tier 3 Hunter pieces. This is a one-way trade, and the exchange will be removed on February 13.
    • A previously deleted Infernal Lasso can now be recovered from the Lost and Found vendor in Booty Bay.
  • Mage
    • The Healing Mage Tier 3 2-piece bonus will now correctly scale with Sanctified gear while inside of Naxxramas.
    • Fixed a problem where Mass Regeneration was replacing longer duration Temporal Beacons with shorter duration ones. It will no longer overwrite longer duration ones with shorter duration ones.
  • Paladin
    • Seal of Martyrdom will now restore the correct amount of Mana while outside of Naxxramas if you have a Seal of the Dawn buff active.
    • The Retribution Tier 3 4-piece set bonus will no longer reset your swing timer when Holy Wrath is cast.
    • The Holy Paladin Tier 3 2-piece bonus will now correctly restore mana to the Paladin instead of their target when Lay on Hands is cast.
    • The Protection Paladin Tier 3 4-piece bonus applies correctly to the Malleable Protection version of Divine Protection.
  • Rogue
    • The Rogue Tier 3 2-piece set bonus now increases the damage of Backstab by 10% (was 5%).
  • Shaman
    • The Restoration Shaman Tier 3 helm now correctly has Spell Haste.
    • The Restoration Shaman Tier 3 2-piece bonus will no longer erroneously remove the internal cooldown of Earth Shield.
    • Reduced the Tank Shaman Tier 3 4-piece bonus additional damage reduction to 10% (was 15%).
  • Warlock
    • The Tank Warlock Tier 2.5 4-piece bonus will now correctly remove the effects of Demonic Sacrifice if you summon an Incubus or Succubus when the other one was the target of Demonic Sacrifice.
    • Reduced the Warlock Tank Tier 3 4-piece bonus cooldown reduction on Demonic Grace reduced to 3 seconds (was 10 seconds).
    • Reduced the Warlock Tank Tier 3 4-piece bonus cooldown reduction on Infernal Armor to 10 seconds (was 30 seconds).