Season of Discovery Hotfixes - March 12

July 30, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • Shard of the Scale and Flame’s set bonus is now activated by all spells (was only direct healing and spell damage).

  • Anathema and Benediction can now correctly be swapped after a one minute cooldown has passed.

  • Molten Core

    • Fixed an issue that prevented Shazzrah from casting Gate of Shazzrah twice in a row on Heat 3.
    • Ragnaros no longer submerges twice on Heat 1.
    • Baron Geddon now casts Armageddon at 5% on Heat 1 (was 10%).
    • Baron Geddon now casts 2 Living Bombs at a time on Heat 2 (was 3).
    • Living Bomb no longer leaves Living Fallout pools on Heat 1.
    • Flamewaker Protectors now cast Dominate Mind much less frequently.
    • Maximized the cast and recast times of several dispel mechanics.
    • Damage done to self with spells such as Hellfire is no longer increased by the low Fire Resistance effects on Heat levels 2 and 3 in Molten Core.
  • Mage

    • Mass Regeneration range for detecting allies to heal increased to 43 yards (was 30), to eliminate the situation where it was possible to heal others who were outside the range for your heal to apply to yourself.
  • Priest

    • Homunculi now cast and stack Sunder Armor relative to the rank they would have if they were a Warrior of their level.
      • Developers’ notes: This takes the place of their casting Degrade previously. Now a friendly Warrior can refresh a Homunculi’s 5 stack of Sunder Armor. The strength of this debuff at max level is unchanged.
    • Spirit of the Redeemer will now correctly put Pain Suppression and Dispersion on a two-minute cooldown (was incorrectly 5 minutes).