This Week in WoW: November 27, 2023

This Week in WoW: November 27, 2023

Each week we’ll look ahead to what’s in store for World of Warcraft, share the latest news, and keep you in the know byte by byte. Get caught in the Viridian Weave in Amirdrassil, the Dream’s Hope Raid Finder Wing 3 this week and prepare for WoW Classic: Season of Discovery.

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Cool, cool.

…Shadow buffs tomorrow?

No class tuning? Seriously? Race to world first is over. Please look at class tuning now.


Promotion tomorrow :thinking:

With RWF over they need a reason to keep us watching twitch streams.

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God please tell me we’re getting some class tuning tomorrow…

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Looks like the fix is in and I’m leveling this toon.

Not happy about it either.

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You should play what you enjoy.

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I agree.

And it’s the main reason to balance specs. So people aren’t compelled to play specs they don’t want to because their performance is so much better.

You shouldn’t have to chose between playing what you want and being competitive.


Yep. Guess I’m going to have to dust off the Havoc. sigh


Obviously on purpose at this point. For what ever reason the imbalance is by design.

Why are there 2 of these threads?

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Their promotions have drained my bank account enough for one month. They need to slow down.

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I’m curious what you think needs tuning? Unless you’re a guardian player, I can’t imagine you could have a complaint about where druids are at. Resto druids were timing 24s last week. Boomkin is popping off. What exactly do you think needs buffed?

Apparently you’re a feral player. Dude, just play boomkin. And thats only worst case scenario. Armory says youre like 456 and 2100. You’re going to get declined for anything over like a 14 rather frequently, and I’m probably being generous. And that has absolutely nothing to do with your spec. Your score and item level are simply not high enough for you to get accepted into the keys you probably want to get into.

Are you a title player? Because having to play havoc to get into keys, or whatever nonsense people think is reality, just simply isn’t true. Unless you are literally trying to push 24+ right now, it isn’t your spec that’s holding you back.

That needs to be a mog minus the hem turning into large roots. (Small delicate ones would be awesome though.)

I don’t want to play boomkin (I actually hate ranged classes/specs), and fortunately I don’t have to rely on pugging. I’ve got a M+ team I run with. Being accepted is not the problem. The problem is that feral is having a hard time keeping up with more bursty specs. Ideally I’d like to see the nerf we got to Circle of Life and Death reversed, or a significant buff to tear open wounds or something like that. I’m not a theory-crafting math guy, I don’t know exactly what would fix the problems I’m seeing with feral, I just know I can’t currently keep up with DH, BM, or Ret of a similar ilevel when in previous patches I could.

I’m sorry, something else completely unrelated got me very tilted and I believe I took it out on you. Thank you for not responding with the same energy I gave you.

No this is my main. And being feral, for a long time, I’m well aware you can get into keys even while being the red headed step child of WoW.

What this is about is one day being in keys and everyone is pretty competitive. And then patch day rolls around and suddenly you have havocs within a couple iLvl and no tier gear doubling everyone else in the group.

You’re condescendingly making a lot of assumptions. Maybe you’re trying to be “helpful” but try not to come across as so incredibly elitest?

NVM telling someone to play Boomkin. Feral should be competitive. It gets screwed over year after year. I know this, and I don’t even PLAY feral on my druids (too much work for too little reward).