Maintenance complete -- November 7

Why are you even here lurking on a maintenance thread telling people to touch grass? lol

Isn’t that at least a bit ironic?


You do know every patch is different? the bugs or issues that happened this patch, did not happen last patch, so there is no way to know what will and wont happen. Source? I am a game developer, these things just happen.

I’m looking forward to the new zone, raid, pvp season and druids forms :smiley:
can’t wait!

Would anybody like some cheese for their whine?

inbetween tonight and never

I’m okay! There were donuts at the office this morning and I’ve been here on these forums through many patches. Nothing could ever compare to posting through the night when we launched Warlords of Draenor.

Thanks for caring!


I am posting this while playing Guild Wars 2 which also had a major content patch and wasnt even down a couple hours.


Please just say it’s indefinite at this point :weary:

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Yes please, love me some good cheese, I don’t have wine though.

I feel bad for the messengar. Kaivax probably runs for cover as soon as that update message is posted.


For the Jedi it is time to eat as well!

Just… blizz, guys, this is a pretty common occurrence for you guys when you release new stuff.

I’m just kind of wondering at what point you realize you aren’t hitting the mark with your patching guidelines internally and re-evaluate your process to be more customer friendly?


What is the best donut though? Boston cream is the only correct option.

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What kind of donuts? Every time we go to Tim Horton’s they’re out of jelly donuts… EVERY. TIME. So angry…

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If it happened this often at almost any other major company they would make major changes to remedy it.

Here they make Office Space jokes.

… who seriously jumps to assume incompetence? If an unforeseen circumstance occurs, such as equipment failure, backup image corruption, etc., is that incompetence? No, it’s an adverse event outside of direct control!


Lets be honest here, they’re working on mechagnome customization and its taking a bit longer to implement :copium:

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Jason Mamoa - Would definitely not be able to resist a little nibble if he bent over anywhere near me :sweat_smile:

it isn’t a blizzard game if you can play on the day of the release

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No doubt, probably almost as bad as playing though Warlords of Draenor.

ZING :smiley: