Something is wrong with Queueing on Moon Guard

There is something terribly wrong with the queueing on Moon Guard NA server.

This should not be happening. I heard horror stories from my friend that they sat in a Headless Horseman queue for 30 minutes before they got in On Moon Guard yesterday and I didn’t think anything of it. When I did Brewfest, queues were longer than normal. But this? This is ridiculous. I thought the RDF pulled from people queued through out the region but it feels like the Moon Guard server might have gotten taken off the region list for this to happen.

Every other server I’ve queued on for this event and previous events I was in within 5-10 minutes. We are nearing the 20 minute mark on Moon Guard.

Edit: Got into the dungeon at the 25 minute mark and everyone in the dungeon was from Moon Guard Only. I think Moon Guard is not connected to RDF’s region pool.


This is something that happens with regularity. You were perhaps joining a queue that had grown quite long because, at that time of day, damage dealers were queueing up in much greater numbers than tanks or healers.

Imagine what the queue might look like: it’s 875 damage dealers, all listed in the order they joined the queue, and zero tanks or healers. With each tank+healer that come along, up to 3 of the players in the queue get a group and enter the encounter. At prime time, imagine that a tank+healer queues up once every 5 seconds, reducing the size of the queue by up to 36 damage dealers per minute.

Now imagine that a significant percentage of the tank+healer groups that queue already have one or two damage dealers in their group. They only need a fifth player. So only the person at the front of the line is removed from the queue and put into the encounter. In the meantime, the queue has grown from 875 to 885 damage dealers.

In this simplified** hypothetical, taking 36 damage dealers out of the queue per minute results in an estimate of 21 minutes to wait in a queue of 750 damage dealers.

** highly simplified, but hopefully workable for visualizing the situation


While I understand the logistics of how the queue works… Moon Guard is a different beast. Right after a 34 minute queue (which I eventually had to ask in trade chat for a tank to queue with me and got in fairly quickly) I went to Thrall and the wait time? was less than 5 minutes.

Again when I got into the only 2 queues I did on Moon Guard there were only other people from Moon Guard and not a mix of people pulled from different servers. Each time I waited 25+ minutes on Moon Guard.

I’m just wondering why I can do a queue on Wyrmrest and get in within 5 minutes, go to Moon Guard right after and wait 30+ minutes for a single queue, then hop back to Wyrmrest right after for a less than 5 minutes queue. THIS is the part that does not make sense to me when Moon Guard should rightfully be in the pool of queueing with other servers and it feels like it’s only queueing with itself.


I’d also like to point out that while I was queuing the “wait time” would fluctuate drastically on Moon Guard. It would decrease then increase then decrease then increase and I know thats due to the above mentioned queueing logistics but again a 30+ minute queue should not be the norm if LFG is pulling from all LFG queuers in a region. Again it felt like queueing on Moon Guard only pulled from people queueing on Moon Guard.

I would get this nightmare scenario:

This was the last screen cap I got of the insane waiting I did with zero end in sight. 2 minutes later I ended queue and had to ask in trade for someone to queue with me.


I think the queue system just breaks every now and then. I experience it on Illidan, Blackrock and Hyjal, too. I usually forget it happens because I’ll queue something and just go do world quests or shop online on another tab and then I realized I’ve been in a queue for 49 minutes when the expected wait time is 8 mins, lol. Actually happened to me last week with the Headless Horseman dungeon. Leaving dungeon queue and queueing up again always fixes it for me.

Perhaps this is just it. But for it to happen twice in a row on my Moon Guard alts is mighty sus. :dracthyr_nervous_animated:


I concur. I have been queuing on strictly MG characters and almost every time, it is just other MG characters. Fun to see new TRP3 profiles! But I cannot believe our server is that huge Alliance side as to represent us each time in the HH queue.

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