Dive Into Joyful Chaos as Warcraft Rumble Pops Into Azeroth

Try putting it out live Blizz without bugs :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Yep! Just had this happen to me, wasting 4 foils. :confused:

How long does the crossover event last?


This also came up today too…if you own a 3D printer …these are blueprints to make characters from the Rumble game…https://warcraftrumble.blizzard.com/en-us/collection

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Is this supposed to be repeatable on alts? I was able to do the intro quest on one alliance and one horde toon, and while the mail item pops up on my other characters, the coin is nowhere to be found at the inn/harbor. If it’s not supposed to be repeatable fine but it’ll be annoying to have to abandon the quest on everyone I already accepted it on.

For those who were the first ones to take part in the event at its start, logging out and back in should resolve the issue.

To open the prize box, you’ll need to right-click and then target the ground to select a target destination for your item. It’s likely that if there are a lot of other players around, you’ll have a difficult time seeing your item, but it should be there.

While we want you to get foils, we don’t want your fun foiled. We’ll keep an eye out for any other issues in the meantime. These machines won’t be going away, so enjoy!


Right click on box and you will see a green circle appear. Put the circle on ground and click again and it wil open and you will get a copy on the ground and a copy in your bag for your toy box. The toy box one is the one you keep .

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That’s good to know! You might want to have someone update the web page, because this makes it seem like it’s only for today:

When October 3, 2023


Had to relog 4 times for this to work.

How is everyone getting this quest …I logged in and no quest or mail item…should I try logging out and back in again?

For some reason “add toy to the toy box” is really “use toy to create toy to add to toy box” and it requires a ground target.

Why make it work like every other toy when you don’t have to I guess.

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Cancel this post…finally got the mail to show up.

Restarted my game and logged back in. Still missing 2 from the Foil Eater


Completely closed out and restarted and I’m still missing credits on a ton and since we can’t reloot them nothing I can do about it :confused:

I’ve gotten all the foils and coins an no luck.

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could not get the prize box to open even after logging out , so i deleted the prize box to see if i can get the rumble bag to respawn , it did’nt, & i cant finnish the quest without the coin & item restoration did’nt work either cause it does not show up on there. can anyone help me with this?

Coins aren’t spawning for the quest.


Here’s what I’ve found. Each “location” (Orgrimmar, Stormwind, Valdrakken), can only be looted once for the intro quest. So you can only do it 3 times total. The rest…I guess you just have to drop the quest on alts because the item to turn it in doesn’t exist after it’s looted once.

NOTE: This is about the intro “find a rumble coin” quest that you get from the mail.

Another useless thing to trigger people’s latent OCD

Quite disgusting


There’s nothing latent about my OCD. It’s a very hyperactive OCD tyvm. g2g back to mount farming now.


Is there any restriction on how many coins and foils you can have in your bags? Meaning do you have to turn in ones in your bags before be able to get more?