[H] Mankrik - <APR> LF social fun people

APR is a relaxed guild looking for more like minded people who want to down the content and actually have fun doing it. We are looking to fill our 25 man out and bring along anyone else who just wants a social fun guild to play in. The guild is 5/5 on 10m of course and if we can build a 25 before ICC we have no issue workin on 5/5 25 as well. We are just a little tired of unreliable pugs and even more unreliable expensive GDKPs to do 25.

If at the end of the day youre playing to have fun and enjoy the game then we are for you. If you want your phat loot now and willing to buy gold and rush through it all in a week, then we are not for you. We just want to get a real guild going and have some fun actually playing the game.

Feel free to whisper anyone whos on with questions or an invite.

I’m a hunter looking for a team what is raid times?