<Peak> Area-52 Mythic Recruitment Continues into The War Within! 2 Nights/CE Focused

Hello All!

Peak is a tightly-knit guild looking to fill our roster with dedicated Mythic progression players who aspire to secure cutting-edge achievements each tier, all while adhering to a two-night schedule. (Wed/Thurs. 9:00pm - 11:30pm EST). We adopt a semi-hardcore approach, valuing your enjoyment of the game as much as your skill. Your class preference takes precedence over meta conformity. Please do not hesitate to connect with us, even if your chosen class falls outside the conventional lists.

As of now we are requiring our trials to transfer to Area-52 if offered a spot. Alliance players welcome.

Our Expectations:

  • Come to raid fully prepared. Know your class, have all pots/flasks/gems, enchants, etc. and research fights.
  • Raiders are expected to complete 4 keystones weekly. You should aim to do the highest possible keystone you can for the best rewards possible.
  • Communication is key. Communicate if you will be absent. Use our raid-signups and attendance channels, If you know or are unsure that you’ll make it to raid… We understand that life happens, however, if attendance becomes an issue we leave it up to our raid lead to decide if someone needs to be removed from the team or not.
  • Be able to take constructive criticism. We will not yell or berate a team member for mistakes, but we will address issues as needed.
  • Be polite. When pugging, talking in trade chat, etc. you are representing our guild. We don’t tolerate racism, homophobia, or bullying of any kind.
  • No politics in Guild chat or discord.
  • Please no drama. If you have any concerns please address them to an officer.
  • Players will need to be dedicated with a 90% attendance minimum

If you are seeking a progression-oriented guild that combines competitiveness with a welcoming social core, please reach out to our officers for a more in depth discussion:
Raid Leader - Glyalith (Discord: Glyalith)
Recruitment Officer - Beepster (Discord: Cheap7351)
Guild Master - Marketing (Discord: shopper#6967)

IMMEDIATE Needs: Havoc, Enhance and Augmentation

Join us on our journey to conquer Mythic challenges and reach the pinnacle of World of Warcraft. We look forward to exploring the possibilities together.

VOTI - 5/9M - World 2901
ATSC - 8/9M World 1945
ATDH - 8/9M World 1584

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Bump! Continuing our ascent to the Peak!

Bump! Just wrapped up a Thursday night prog and achieved some of our best pulls on M Echo! STILL looking for trials, hit us up!

Still needing a DH and any exceptional ranged DPS for S3!

Echo dies soon! Looking for Ret, DH, and Aug going into S3.

BUMP BUMP! Although an echo kill is just over the horizon, we are still considering all applications heading into 10.2! Dont hesitate to reach out to any of the officers or individuals listed on OP!

BUMP! With echo dead, our plans are to end progression, start a re clear and allow trials to get a chance to perform which then leads into taking a break before our season 3 CE push! Come and reach out if you are interested!

Prob need to list the nights and times you raid :slight_smile:

Agree with the above ^^

which spec/class are you recruiting. returning player lefton zskarn prog guild breaking up issues back in may. looking to main something new next tier

we are currently revising our times heading into the next season and adding an extra day - Mon/Wed/Thurs 9-11:30 PM is the schedule we are implementing. Currently we are doing reclear on Wed/Thurs 9PM - 12AM.

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Specifically Shadow Priest or Mage. However, any ranged DPS is preferable over melee. We do consider ALL outstanding applications!

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Minor bump. our roster is filled for the most part. we are still considering any exceptional augmentation evoker!

bumpity bump bump :smiley:

Hey I like this guild

Bump! We are continuing our search for any exceptional players. augmentation will take priority!

Calling all pumpers!

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bumpin for the boys, so you can bump with the boys!