This Week in WoW: August 7, 2023

10.1.7 in a month makes sense, since there’s little new content compared to previous patches.

Of course, everyone will probably be playing Starfield by then instead.


Just under a month for 10.1.7 and still no word on the rogue rework? Is it safe to say that will be coming soon™ in another patch?

The roadmap talks about Forsaken heritage armor. Is the Undead race being renamed to Forsaken?

That’d be nice.

It always sounds weird when you speak with NPC that have the player’s race in their dialog and you’re a forsaken.

Undead is a wide term.

What be this?

They’ve always been also known as the Forsaken. From the Undead race page- “Calling themselves Forsaken, they now struggle to thrive in a world that has come to despise their existence.”


Ah snap, I got called out

A game that you wouldn’t care about as it’s Xbox exclusive so I wouldn’t worry

New bethesda open world game set in space, like fallout but with spaceships. Looks nice but it’s bethesda, so only get it if you are ok with them and their issues (i.e. its gonna be buggy, like, a lot of bugs, so many bugs, bugs.)


I just found a trailer! Seems a lot like Destiny, tbh. Like… an updated Destiny without multiplayer. Interesting. :thinking:


That’s fair and thanks for offering that clarification. I will say that if the name of the race is ever changed to Forsaken (thus dropping the a.k.a.), I would fully support that :slight_smile:

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On the character creation screen:


Correct, and it’s the only race I’m aware of that has an AKA like that. If there’s another, I’m all ears, but I would not mind one bit at all if the Undead name was dropped entirely to help with consistency and coolness.

Hm I would have to look. That is fairly interesting!

I know undead used to be able to speak gutterspeak do they still have that or did they remove that? I can’t remember.

Aha! That explains why my family always looks like a pack of hungry zombies.

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haha xD see idk about all that now but I was just curious. :stuck_out_tongue:

I would love for ways to learn other languages in the game like the Furbolg… that would be super cool.

Like, at max rep with a faction, buy an account bound book that teaches the languages.


That’s a really cool idea. That could be awesome to help with open-world cross-faction communications as well.

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How is transferring to another realm cheating? I don’t think this needs to be addressed.

And RP too.

There are folks that have TRP and all that and use the language potion but being able to just… swap languages would be neat.

And it adds a bit of emersion too because you’re showing your worth to this faction so they teach you their language. :slight_smile:

RPers would have a field day with that!

10.2 is probably going to be out mid to late November with 10.1.7 being released on September 5th.