[H] Whitemane | <Saved> | 25m TOGC 50/50

Saved is recruiting gamers. We are a single solid raid team that was formed in Classic during phase 1 with aspirations of clearing all current raid content and later developed into speed clearing/semi-hard core guild.

:memo: Recruiting:
:white_small_square:Affliction / Demo (high need)
:white_small_square:OT (any feral/blood/prot war)
:white_small_square:Fury (with tanking OS is a plus)

:chart_with_upwards_trend: Progress:
:white_small_square:P3 WotLK - 5/5 Tier 9 - (heroic cleared release day) 50/50 chest :white_check_mark:
:white_small_square:P2 WotLK - 14/14 Tier 8 - 9/9 HMs + yogg 0 - 1 night clear
:white_small_square:P1 WotLK - 17/17 Tier 7 - (cleared release day)

:date: Raid Times:
:white_small_square:Wednesday 6:30pm - 10:00pm ST
:white_small_square:Thursday 6:30pm - 10:00pm ST

:moneybag: Loot:
Loot Council.

:mailbox_with_mail: Contact:
For more information, contact the following:
Recruiting Officer: Nghtmre#8902 (Disc)
Ingame Name: Nizmø

I added you on discord! Apologies for the late reply