WoWCast Developer Chat: A Glimpse at Fractures in Time

WoWCast Developer Chat: A Glimpse at Fractures in Time

Tune in for developer insights about the Dawn of the Infinite Megadungeon, the all-new Dracthyr Augmentation specialization, and more.

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Sad that they’re doubling down on ignoring that the continued use of timegate is making caring about ilvl in DF meaningless.

I’ve been ignoring DF entirely as it’s full of timegate systems and making you feel bad/at a loss if you don’t play the thing you’re avoiding. Looks like they’re doubling down on raid lockouts and vault and don’t care if it ruins the grind. Even the profession system’s meaningful choice hasn’t been reverted.

I just want to grind but the devs won’t allow that. I legitimately want to learn at my own pace and not have it shoved in my face that I’m behind for not cheesing timegate. You set my interest in DF negative when it turned into cheesing timegate being greater than playing at your own pace for power.

I legitimately don’t think they care. They pretend to care just enough for PR but then go straight back to doubling down on retaining core bad timegate trolls.


Well that was certainly a word salad.

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They don’t care about making playing their game meaningful or feel worthwhile.

It’s just timed this timed that. Oh you missed this week or didn’t cheese this system, guess this player will hang it over your head and you’ll be behind now even if you play more than them.

Raiding is DOA because you have to live vicariously through youtube videos because of the lockout system not allowing you to learn at your own pace. LFR isn’t progression, don’t even try to bring it up, it goes nowhere.

But the power of catchup gear is just absurd this expansion…

I don’t care how easy it is, the feel good grind isn’t there and their systems NAG like crazy. It’s not engaging or meaningful to tick the timegate or system checkboxes or pay for crafted gear.

The way they have it setup feels like one gigantic troll and they don’t care. It’s just done that way as they’ve pigeonholed themselves into producing systems that align with metrics they’re designing for.

If you’re not having fun maybe you should play a different game. :dracthyr_shrug:

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It’s like you’re just plugging buzz words into a MadLibs sheet.


Probably why subs are going down like crazy this xpac. They haven’t changed their design philosophy with this xpac. Just superficially while swapping baits around and how easy it is.

It sounds like he doesnt want to play a game at all, he wants a game to play itself for him :joy:

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Opposite. People are clinging to the “it’s so easy to just craft almost max level gear so why are you complaining” line.

Like, they do not understand it’s worthless caring about gearing no matter how hard or easy it is, if it’s just timegate systems and cheesing bad/nagging systems. I want to feel like I earned something and I don’t want it hung over my head that because I avoid cheesing timegate that I’m forever at a loss versus someone who plays it way less.

You’re going to have to explain this one.

Who’s hanging it over your head? Your guild? If so, you need to find a better one.

Missing vault or lockouts.

I see cata dungeons + Coladarra combined

This is going to get salty

Well you see the systems don’t reward cheese at a philosophical rate so they timegate the systems for the metrics so that other players can acquire cheese for ilvl quicker than I can.

But how is that related to cheesing a mechanic?

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So far the only thing I can find that they could possibly complain about is split raids, which is an issue for so few people it might as well be irrelevant.

No, raid lockouts make raiding worthless.

Zero interest in living vicariously through youtube videos or having pugging dead because of it.

Don’t care if it’s always been a thing or if people are sunk costed into it so they think others should deal with trash systems.

They killed raid progression with this.

They killed any remaining semblance of progression by having people wait around for weekly vault drops, as well as trying to shove crafted gear in your face this xpac.