LF Late Night Raid/M+

Looking for a late night aotc team maybe lil mythic as well as m+. Currently play Pally/Warr Dps as well as tank also gearing my bear. My bnet is dead#1849 disc is Rhage@5816

Hello rhage
Midnight Mutiny is on Sargeras. We are always looking for late night gamers!

Our aotc focused group raids on Thursday
10:30pm - 1:30am PST (1:30am - 4:30am EST)

This raid is full of casual mains but also some alts from our mythic team.

BTag: Fhatee#1821 or Discord: fhatee#7914

Akai Soubi has been an established guild on Uther since Molten Core with multiple server firsts from BC through Cata. Now, we are a primarily Heroic flex raiding guild but maintain our commitment to hard work and excellence. We are looking for like-minded individuals who enjoy being part of a fun, helpful community and have the skills/drive to get the job done! We raid heroics competitively and also have groups going for mythic dungeons (typically evenings/weekends).

Raid schedule:

Pacific Time Zone

Wednesday: 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm

Thursday: 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm

Current progress: 9/9 N 2/9 H

To apply:

Please contact Solsti (Btag: Solange#1331, Discord: Solsti#9701).

If our raid times fit your schedule please reach out! I would love to chat :blush:

Guild & Server: Feral Tendencies (US - Proudmoore)
Raid Times/Days: Wednesday/Thursday 8:30 - 10:30 PM PST
Current Progression: 8/9N 2/9H Aberrus
Recruitment Contacts: Discord - Nytrous#8759
Raider.io: https://raider.io/guilds/us/proudmoore/Feral%20Tendencies
Warcraftlogs: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/guild/id/660322
WOW Forum: <Feral Tendencies> W/Th 8:30-10:30PM PST 8/9N 2/9H
Requirements: New, Returning, or experienced players. Ready to raid or willing to learn.
Needs: High Priority: MAGE, Medium Priority: DPS

still looking

Still looking

Still looking

Hi all!!!

Guild & Server: H A V E N - Alliance - Stormrage
Raid Times/Days: Tues/Thurs 2am to 5am EST (11pm PST to 2am PST)
Current Progression: 2/9M 9/9H Aberrus
Recruitment Contacts: Ftramza#2488 (Discord), Ftramza#1723 (Bnet)
Requirements: Raid ready, friendly players who are motivated to progress mythic content
Needs: Any and all

Looking still

Heya Rhage,

We’re 8/9H looking to gather a few more to push into some early mythic bosses before 10.2. We run a bunch of m+ off and on, when we can tear people back from Diablo anyway! We could use some more melee, especially warrior but I’m sure another paladin wouldn’t be terrible either.

Guild: Lusts for Trash - Bleeding Hollow
Days: T-W 8pm-10pm PST (11pm-1am EST)

Our recruiting officer contacts:
Discord: Kungfubanana#7678 (Me)
Btag: Kungfubanana#1420

Can u invite me to your guild. Lickitup is my character on proudmoore