15-20 min q for by blitz / Solo shuffle?

no wrong. its not that complicated. summer break is over a lot of players are back in school or work.

I think random/epic BGs have a shorter Q than Blitz/RSS because most players enjoy them more. That is my guess.

it was fast the first day or two simply because the healer meta and its disparity wasnt known yet. Its become fairly known that only two classes can produce the HPS numbers to heal effectively in BGB/RSS so people see that, realize they have to level and gear that class or not play. Healers stop quing up, and the time gets longer.

and dps qs for BGB should theoretically always be shorter because it has a better healer/dps ratio.

summer break is over here in NA alot of players have returned back to school and work why is this so hard to understand you all are so cooked muh boi kekw :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Ur sense of humor is somehow worse than your gameplay man

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my gameplay? you got a vod of me or something? :face_with_head_bandage: :face_with_head_bandage: :flushed: :flushed: :flushed: :flushed: :flushed: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage:
EZ CLAP IT :sunglasses: :gloves:

personally i avoid rated pvp on the first few days of the season.

i dont wanna try my luck.

i bet if i Qd for a rated bg blitz right now i would have 8 rank 1 gladiators on the enemy team, and a bunch of me’s on my team . no thanks

What are your que times like now because mine have come to complete halt can be however long it wants to be pretty much

Queue time says 4 min, however last time it said 3 min and I had to wait ~7 min.

Edit: okay it popped in <1 min

Edit2: I’m also not at any significant rating, and perhaps you’re higher than me and that could be why? I’m only at 1573

Hey, I’m not balding!

Well I’d like to play hpal in pvp but blizzard doesn’t make it very possible even as a 3.3k + exp ret and top 1 world exp prot lmao.

The old Mortalx would full send and equalize cringelords. I’m about to send you on a peyote driven spirit journey to find Uther and get your mojo back.

Stunandbung woulda got R1.

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They need to give more conquest per match.

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dude summer break is over a lot of players have gone back to school or work idk why this is such a hard concept

That hurt lol… im 36… but i lost my hair at 21 LOL

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ill never forget when i was in 8th grade and the cute girl that sat across the table in art class pointed out that iwas going bald



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he didn’t lmao, he got 2.5k, i got 2.766 and the r1 title were short of 2788. Too bad i guess, only 80 spots instead of the normal 150 that every r1 has.

no one other than disc priest and pres evoker want to queue solo shuffle