Entropy- Alliance Benediction
We have an extremely experienced and dedicated core and are always open to picking up other exceptional like-minded players. We currently run x2 25-man raids.
Killing content in a timely manner!
Parsing for fun!
Hanging out with a great group of players!
Prot Pally
Blood DK
Feral Druid
Guardian Druid
Loot- Loot Council
Utilized Discord Raid Signups!
Be on time!
Come to raids prepared with full consumable and enchants!
Pull your own weight- meaning do mechanics and playing class to best of ability.
This is the main criteria used for our trial period.
If interested in joining our raid team or inquire about one of the other raid teams feel free to reach out to me directly on discord!
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Can confirm Entropy is an amazing guild and their community is unlike any other guild. I actively raided with them for 2-3 years across both vanilla and wrath PR’s. I don’t raid with them any longer, and haven’t since Classic dropped, I dropped out when my partner wanted to forum his own guild but for a large portion of time, Entropy was like a family. Great group of individuals with a very active and experience core and leadership.
- Gem
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Still Looking for few core spots to round out our Tues/Wed roster.
Need mainly ranged dps for Ulduar push!!
Still looking for Disc Priest and ranged dps
Bump, come raid with us in Ulduar!
Bump, still need a few more for Ulduar!
Bump need more dps for ULD 25M
Still looking for DPS uld push
Looking for Select pumper dps for hardmode prog
Bump, looking for more for HMs.
Bump, looking for more for HMs prog.
Looking for couple more for hardmode raiding.
Bumping looking for select dps for hardmode prog
Looking for a tank for TOGC farm and ICC prep