1/4 arena players are undead

Horde is more popular but it’s about 55/45 based on population server census data. So even if we say 5 of the races comes from 55% rather than 10 races from 100% that would still mean only 11% should be undead. Heck lets say alliance does not exist at all and 100% of players are horde. That would mean 100% of the population divided amongst 5 races or 20% per race. Yet undead is higher than even this “horde only” even distribution scenario sitting at 25%.

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Sorry sweaty, I think your numbers are wrong. The alliance doesn’t exist anymore, letting horde play the game killed it.

That Paladin population tho. The few, the proud.

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Uh oh.

Horde trying to nerf their own faction.

Bro… 5v5 was considered the “balanced bracket” in S1.

I hate to break it to you but all brackets are not balanced and are scuffed.

When will people stop inhaling the copium and just accept that no bracket is even remotely balanced, since the PvP in this game never was balanced… ever.

And that is what makes it fun. It’s a give and take.


How can you not love the aesthetic of being immune to fear? Like the animation of being immune to fear is just so cool! And the lore behind being immune to fear just really makes me feel so immersed in the game.


ill trade you wotf for perception for 2’s and 3’s any day of the week

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undeads are the best

Yup. Horde gets better PvP Racials. And Alliance gets better PvE racials.

It was that way originally, and it is that way now too. This is what should have been expected.

If you are unhappy with your decision, even though there is over 15 years worth of readily available data to inform you before you made your choice, then it is what it is.

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Which ones are better?


stone form and dranei hit buff go brr

also human rep boof

and gnomes for mage boost


I think undead are substantially more popular than gnomes.

And it ain’t the racial ability.

OP what is the overall racial distribution in the total population?

Without that knowledge your post means absolutely nothing.

EVERYONE with ANY sense KNEW that horde would become the dominant faction.

You CHOSE to play Alliance which you KNEW FULL WELL would be the less popular faction.

You chose this. You knew this was going to happen.

You can say the same about horde and the BG queues, so…

Could be that two of the top WoW streamers are Human warriors. Could also be for racials. People do sometimes pick races for racials.

Why do you think I said that?

That’s what the alliance say about queue times. Same thing applies for faction imbalance.

Stone form is nice

Dranei hit is super useful until it’s not

Same thing with the human rep bonus. Useful until it’s not

Gnomes mage, huh? Let me see…5% extra int or 20% haste buff every few minutes. I know which one I’d rather have.


Boy you rearrange the factions a bit in that quote and add “queue times” I bet ppl gonna light up in here

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