120s Revenge Killing Low Lvls

So I love to go to azsuna to wpvp gives me something to do on my twink and the amount of people who immediately log when they die and swap to a 120 to then gank me is disgusting. You spend one day in azsuna on alliance and you’ll get a great picture of how much horde outnumber us. Next time I kill you just get a friend try to 2v1 me. I’ve had a lot of fun in that exact situation. I dont have fun when I get a 120 to corpse camp me because I hurt their feelings. play it fair, I’m a 79 in a legion zone, fight me like a man. Not with someone who could fart and overkill me.

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Kills people on something that people mostly can’t fight back against.
Gets mad when they get on something that can kill you that you can’t fight against.



Interesting, I didn’t know that a geared 79 could kill an undergeared 100.

If I get killed while leveling, I would just assume its from a high level ganker and since I always keep a 120 logged out nearby I would automatically jump on it for revenge though.

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To shirt I have 6,735 hp. Most people I see have double to quadruple my hp. A few good hits could kill me. Just takes a little skill because I dont make it easy. So yes I feel I have every right to complain about 120s. Saying someone with 40k hp doesn’t have a shot is stupid. But i will still fight them. Mostly kill them.

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As you’ve clearly realized scaling does some messed up things in wpvp when fighting other characters that are higher and lower than you. And you’ve clearly been abusing that.

Normally a person who complains about getting camped gets no sympathy in this room. Throw in the part about how you were exploiting scaling to gank others and well…


suck it up.


Twinking’s been around since Vanilla.
It’s not exploiting.

Ya he is using scaling to his benefit and then crying when the same happens to his detriment …


Time to go to Azsuna on one of my Horde toons


Horde get so salty.

https ://imgur.com/a/Kcne5be

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Legion boosts at 110 have 20k hp what kind of people are you fighting lol


Are you sure those 120s are the same person as the lowbies you gank? Sharding has ruined the whole “Im getting on my main to kill the ganker” since most of the time you get thrown into a completely different shard on your max level.

To answer how I’m so sure I use elixir of tongues and can read what is said in chat. Yes scaling does weird stuff why cant I take that as an advantage? I’m lvl 79 do you not see where scaling as your best argument is not really an argument you can intelligently back up. I dont know their levels but places I go alliance are 101-118ish and horde I assume are the same. I however do not get mad and in fact find hilarious is when people below lvl 120 group up and kill me. That’s a lot more fun because usually even with 4 on me I can get at least one of them. All I complain about is those who dont stay on their toon they are leveling lol. I did find a 85 war twink here today and we had some great fights! I’m glad this is bringing some people here!

i agree with the OP

im just out casually in duskwood and those lowbies decided after just a few deaths to hop on their mains that have it LEAST 3 times my health.

All im complaining about is those that dont stay on their toon while they are leveling.

stay on your lowbies or come at me on equal grounds amiright?


I suppose they’re using 120 as their advantage. :thinking:


Forgive me if I’m not sure how you really feel.


I’m certainly no english major so forgive me. I’ll attempt to explain my position again. As I’ve explained and as you can see by wow armory of my toon yes this is a twink. I hit significantly harder than most people and even in time walking TBC I would more often then not be top dmg in Black temple. That being said my damage can not be explained by just war mode scaling. So when I go to azsuna and kill horde with 14k hp all the way up to about 80k hp in my 1 shot rotation, I’ve come to see that the 14k hp people will either run from you when they revive or try to kill me from reviving. I 100% respect that I even respect getting on someone with a little extra hp like going from a 100 to a 110 to try to kill me. Those can be some great fights against 110s. However, those who get killed in 2 flurrys at around 40k hp and up are more common to swap to a 120. So why is it that people with 14k hp have more balls and courage to fight me than those who have a significantly higher chance at actually killing me. But no those guys pull a 120 out to corpse camp me because I’m “stopping them from leveling” if someone is trying to run from me or salutes or kneels before me then I have no issue going passive to them. Typically I’ll try to get some actual respectful fights and it’s not hard honestly to 2v1. With that being said it’s not that hard to stick to the outside and pick off someone as there are 4 or 5 of them who want to kill me for killing them. So finally to my main point circling back around to it. Dont be a bi ch horde. You see a lvl 79 killing 100 and ups and you then think you’re tough or some kinda savior of the horde for getting a 120 and farting on me. News flash I could just join in on the cancer, go fire, call a few 120s over and just gpie your horde 120. So many 120s have died to that it’s hilarious because they are so tunnel vision on killing my 79 on sight. Azsuna has become my home horde. Accept that no amount of 120s ganking me will have me shy away. It just slowly makes me lose faith in any respect for the horde. Same ol story Mortys killing mortys, Rick’s killing Rick’s, and horde killing low lvls because they cant kill other 120s.


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Can you provide proof with spreadsheets? If not, you can’t really claim that every higher hp toon will switch to a 120 and camp you.

Also, it’s wpvp. It’s not fair, they don’t balance it.

Clearly in that statement you quoted me on I dont say every one of them. I say a higher majority do, I have used elixir of the tongues to read what they say to the other horde and seen many times a 120 that killed me say to another something along the lines of “yeah he killed me too earlier” after I had recently killed someone with a large amount of hp. So yes when you are at it long enough you begin to kinda know the timing of someone getting a horde, porting to azsuna and flying to me is roughly like. Also when you kill someone they log dont even revive, shortly after a 120 comes by kills me. Then they log off 120 go back to person I had killed, kill them again and wouldn’t you know it. 120 logs back in and hunts me down. These are easy ways to tell I had created a vendetta with a horde. And to be honest, crying about what’s “fair” in regards to war mode is a mute point in my opinion. It’s not like there are millions of twinks doing this. And since blizz removed our ability to bg someones gotta freaking die.

I like when twinks get upset about being killed by someone they can’t fight back against. It’s delicious hypocrisy.