12 CE Mistweaver Monk LF guild for DF

Basically title.

I have a wide range of Cutting edge experience through many different expansions starting with Siege of Orgrimmar and ending with Jailer last tier. Ranking wise they all teeter between US 40 and US 200ish. They have all been done as a healer either on my Mistweaver or my Holy paladin.

I am looking for a guild to go into dragon flight with. I took a break after getting Jailer CE prior to season 4 as the guild my friends and I made called it quits “Tyrannic - Area 52”

I am looking for a 2-3 day raiding guild ideally between the time of 6:30-11:30 CST (can go slightly later if needed). Monday-Thursday (HARD STOP).

I feel i’m a pretty chill guy who really enjoys pushing content while also joking around. If I seem like a good fit please leave spam below or add ieafa#8645 to discord,


Hello there Celmonk!
Our CE team is looking to fill a few holes. I’ll put the guild spam below as requested and if you’re interested, please contact Serl, our Mythic recruiter to see if we could be a good fit for you.

Looks like we fit what you’re looking for.

Spam is below, you can reach out to me on discord: Citta#9511

bump de boop

Bump for the lump