1/19 tuning

I’d say Rdru and Sub got a slap on the wrist, but a slap is no where near what it was. It was more like they accidentally brushed their wrist and no one noticed.


They’re doubling the damage threshold for fears and roots

DH fear is just going to be a stun now


1800 Rets can take a victory sip

90% of the Ret community doesn’t want to talent into defensive utility. They just want to be Light Warriors with Zug Zug damage


Nah they’ll just kill plate faster than clothies now (lol).


How is it the opposite? Here is one thing I just copied from the notes:

“Deep Roots increases the amount of damage required to cancel Entangling Roots or Mass Entangle by 75% (was 250%).”

They are literally making the CC break on less damage.

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It says it takes 100% more damage.


This is pretty cracked. I expect a hotfix midweek nerfing destro/demos already high passive armor. Does our demon skin percentage base itself on the 30% buffed total? lol

I didn’t mean that comment as a reply

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I’m guessing if armor gets standardized across the board in PvP, it’ll make it easier for them to tune physical damage in the future.

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Weird… seems contradictory to what I also copy/pasted from those same notes.

But if it does take more damage to break, that’s a good thing because like I said… the micro CC in this game is generally useless in large scale fights.

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idk i think thats huge for me. i love my earthgrab totem as an enh shaman. it’s such a useful ability.

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There’s no way they let it go live with demon skin still buffed in PvP lol

We finally got warlock tanks in retail!

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Destro won’t die.
Demo won’t die.
Mages won’t die.
Rets are gunna do ridiculous amounts of damage.
BM/Sub/MM/WW is gunna eat plate; literally no point of being a plate wearer with these changes (that includes hpal).
No enh buffs (lol).


You dropped this king :crown:

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Ferals got a damage buff… to their AoE attack of all things :frowning:

And the 20% nerf to frenzied regeneration was un-nerfed. So I’m not really sure that was a buff. They still need to go into bear form and do almost no damage to benefit from the heal. Maybe if feral also got a free “thorns” while in bear form to go along with the frenzied regeneration I’d be happy :slight_smile:


prot warrior giga dead


I hate 3 plate lobbies in shuffle like the rest of us, but jfc. This might completely eviscerate warrior and DK tbh lol next week is going to be wild.

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if they unerf death strike all will be forgiven cos big hp pool = buff


I don’t think you get how much a 35% buff to cloth armor really is. Probably gonna translate to maybe like 5-7% less physical damage taken. It’ll help, but won’t suddenly turn them into tanks.

The extra 15% HP from trinket bonus will have a lot more impact than their more armor.


Destro/Demo are already crazy tanky.

Mages should be paper when you catch them.

The only class that needed those buffs was probably the one that has zero mobility; spriest.


Don’t forget demon skin gives like 90% more armor in PvP on top of that base increase. And the bigger health pools means bigger dark pacts. Wild.