Season of Mastery Phase 2 Begins December 16

Season of Mastery Phase 2 Begins December 16

Get ready to put your skills to the test in WoW Classic Season of Mastery. The world raid bosses Lord Kazzak and Azuregos are coming soon.

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And how about server transfers for the servers exponentially dying and people rerolling to mega servers anyway?


Nice. Now get rid of premades and limit bg times by having people sign up for leagues during windows they’re able to play. Getting rank 14 was much easier in vanilla because games did not go all day since they were server-based. You just had to play during the windows when games were going.

Bring that back again in some capacity like being suggested. Because having to do 36 hours stints without sleep to even have a chance at rank 14 is nonsense.

Having leagues to where there are only specific windows to play makes the honor grind more about efficiency and skill than it is just about time played.


are they buffed or will they die in 30 seconds

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The season needs to be re-paced. This is too fast.


Slow down the pace its to fast


Please for once do right by your playerbase, be ethical and merge some servers, Lionheart shouldn’t exist, should be merged with Swamp of Sorrows and be one Aus server, cannot have the luxury of a pve server when the pop is too low. Thanks


Add hats to cats!


Pace is to quick, going to push ppl out of the game


Please merge underpopulated servers!!! Enjoying the SOM, so much fun! Sadly, however, my server is completely dead (Mutanus). Extremely difficult to find a group for anything and the AH has nothing on it…there’s essentially no in-game economy because of it :frowning:

Thank you.


Thank you, Kaivax.

The pace of SoM is just fine.

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Maybe the merged server should be pve and you can just flag up?
That’s more inclusive.
See? A win-win.

Also best suggestion here today

More hats is always better.

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The pace is fine. It’s what we signed up for. Look at what phase 2 is actually releasing and it’s not a big deal. The reality of world bosses is that only the super sweats are going to see them anyways. I’d rather rush P1/2 so we can spend more time on P3/4.

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and it’s 6:04

now 6:48

As long as they remove all your boe/non equipped gear and gold and items transfers would be fine, but I doubt blizzard would do that so for me i’d vote for no transfers, sorry.

Do better.

Yawn. The only people who want fast patches are the nolifers. Soms timeline doesnt work with vanilla wow content, pvp has ruined phase one, and once again it feels like activision devs dont really understand classic and classic players


Omg yes. Barman shankers population has gone way the hell down now. It feels like a low pop private server. They need to merge or transfer us.


Are world bosses still not spawning? It’s frustrating how much effort they tried to portray they were putting into SoM versus how little they have done upon release. Can’t say I’m surprised though tbh.


Blizz in 2022: “SoM who?”