[H] Illidan <Sigma Six> 5/10M - Tues / Wed 8PM - 12AM CST - Pushing for CE

About us:
Sigma Six is a semi- hardcore wow guild and gaming community (other games played as well)
Were currently 5/10M SoD with active progression on Painsmith

Here is how we define semi-hardcore:

  • We have a strong mix of experienced players (past CE) and newer players, but all have the talent to push CE.
  • Our primary goal each raid release is CE and we push as far as we can before new content is released.
  • We raid 2 days a week for progression, Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 8PM-12AM CST.
  • We’re active in M+ and Heroic alt raids each week.
  • We track our core roster’s Renown, Ilvl, Keys, and Dom Sockets by Sheets, API we created.
  • We produce raidplans and share boss fight videos for fight preparations

We currently have ~23 players in our core roster, we are looking to be at 25+ for Comps, Absences, Life, etc…
We are seeking 1-2 DPS, with a priority spot for a warlock and 1 Healer

Sigma Sixs’ strongest selling point is the community. We have been around a long time and have never not raided but we’ve dealt with adversity that all guilds face with player base reducing and lawsuit fallout. We specialize in Work / Game balance and have lots of players with careers, Families, etc… so IRL is always considered when it comes to Sigma. However, at the same time, we only raid two nights a week, and we have the expectation that raiders come prepared for whatever boss we are currently working on. We maintain a core raid roster of 22-25 players, with the understanding that everyone will be sitting out some during progression. We take the roster that gives us the best chance to kill a boss quickly, and efficiently.***

We expect to reach CE this patch and will continue to push this tier, and for future

***Attendance is required for 80% of the scheduled raids in order to maintain a spot with the progression group. This does not preclude you from participating in optional raids, and guild members demonstrating a commitment will be given preference for open spots. We also require that each candidate display relevant warcraft logs link.

Discord: Thrall-Jdipas#2082