11/12M 479.25 Fire Mage seeking Raiding Guild

Hello. My name is Miradian and I am seeking a guild to finish out the tier. My guild unfortunately decided to die under the weight of the ever growing dark void that is end expansion lul.

I have 164 pulls on nzoth and would prefer to be slotted in to a slot for a kill. I’m not looking to be carried and I can pull my weight. I play minute mage currently and have great success with it.

My preferred times to raid are weekdays/Sunday or Monday from 7PM or 8pm Server until the latest of 12pm server, however I can be flexible.

If you are interested please let me know here or send me a message in game. You may also contact me on discord at - Miradian#2512

Check us out and would love to have a conversation if we fit into what you want -