11.1 patch is the worst patch

I mean, the raid-based renown track to give raid rewards from the raid is a big win for raidloggers when they are implementing the bullions to a mid-expansion raid instead of waiting for the very end.


What’s happening to disc priests is that we are losing Rapture entirely. No more shielding your group or anyone or yourself. Further, it looks (at first glance) like we are being pushed to an Oracle build for Hero Talents.


Something people specifically asked for.


Just glad that D.R.I.V.E. is a requirement to get tier sets and top gear instead of raids or M+

Can I safely say… you’re no longer enraptured with the priesthood? I’m sorry, I’ll see myself stage left…


Yeah but if you run into a bush, your character gets deleted.


Cue 3 bushes at every corner and mobs everywhere

That’s funny. I actually chuckled out loud at that.

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Reminder than anyone who’s subbed can download the PTR and to play 11.1 themselves, even if it’s not ready.

It’s ready to be tested.

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yea i cant see anything being worst than 9.0

Disc priest:
Removal of cds and a couple cdr talents, but increase in core abilities to compensate. Pulls away from relaince on pet cd for big healing (less cdr, up less) but increases nuetral game healing.

Will make non-pet ramps better and will make the spec less relaint on focusing on pet ramps to heal through damage.

On ptr im seeing 6-8 milion pw:shields for example.

They also buffed Oracle, 98% of M+ priests are Void and in raids Archon. Oracle hero talents only seeing play in pvp right now.


What if I powerslide through the bush?

Nothing can stop the powerslide! Nothing!

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Your account gets a month free.

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Eh? They aren’t removing Divine Aegis or PW:S, right?

I don’t feel like buffing an almost useless Hero spec is such a bad thing. But I’d have to look into that further.

Have you seen the new raid bosses yet? Because this looks like a fun raid. And I haven’t raided above LFR in about 8 years now.

Can you tell me do they still have sandwiches in the future?


No, they are not removing those two other spells. Thank goodness!

PW:S is still there, Divine Agies is actually getting a massive buff. 30% if a crit heal coming back as a shield. Its actually pumping hard in ptr.

Also, Borrowed Time (could be wrong on talent name) is getting changed to give 30% crit on some spells. Meaning you dont have to stack crit to really utilize Diving Ageis.

For Oracle
Preminition is getting 2 charges at base. No more talent for it.
Instead new talent: when you pennance an ally, send 3 bolts at enemy and vice versa. Really helps with weal and woe stacking


Gallywix stole all the sandwiches for himself.


How rude of him. Guess we’ll be killing him next patch to save all the sandwiches.