Captured Firefly

I couldn’t get rid of this thing all week for 85k. I know it’s kind of super rare and undermine lists at about 120k.
Anyhow I relisted it today and announced the price in trade chat. I got bombarded fairly quickly with quite a few messages saying delist as quickly as possible. That needs to be a million or 500k minimum.
So I took the advice. I don’t know how it’s going to sell at that price but it’s possible no one looked to see I had one up all week.
Quite a few people said the thing just never drops.
A lot of guilt on this one. I killed 19 Needlers.


Stop this. RNG is RNG. Make that gold, Yo.


Unfortunately that’s how people apparently are when you announce your service to the trade chat, their against to it for some or no reason, or tell you “yo that crap’s easy to get, just run X”, just to make your service look worthless. God forbid anybody offer a service for gold incase you don’t want to get them yourself, so the guy who is offering the service can get the gold.

Kinda sad actually how trade chat are these days.

Edit: huh, actually read that bit wrong, i thought they were insulting you or something. :man_shrugging:

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120k is a good price. 500k to a million is a dream price.


They told you wrong. I checked it on Undermine and the US Mean is under 200k. If you listed it for 500k or more, you’ll be sitting on it all the way up until the game shuts down.

100 to 150k should be a fair price for it.


all week 85k no sell. Now, post it in 500k and wait a year.


I’ll probably lower the price when I get home tonight. The guy that told me to boost it to 500k offered to buy it for 110k if I couldn’t find a buyer. I agreed. Pretty unusual guy. I think he really wants it but doesn’t want to see me lose out on a profit. Our community still is mostly nice people.


There are two listed on Wyrmrest Accord for ~466K gold. Not sure if it is worth that. Though according to only 33 percent of profiles have it.

Are we talking about the captured firefly from Zang? How in the world is it that high? Those would not sell on my server for 10K for the longest time. Used to be one of my favorite farms in Cata. I went for all the pet collection achieves before the battle pet launch. Then again, pets don’t sell all that well on my server.

I would get the correct price, however you see fit and keep it at that price for as long as it takes to sell. Pets and mog will always take a long time to sell. Keep that in mind. Lowering your price is almost never a good idea.

The more time that goes on, old farm spots lose popularity. Items end up getting rarer and rarer.
The less people farming availability goes way down. There’s still a ton of farms going unfarmed.
But with allied races there’s all the sudden a demand for everything.

I spent 3 hours in Blasted Lands til I got Destiny to drop. It’s just a good looking classic looking 2hs. Easily sold for 50k quickly. I check AH all the time it’s never up there. No one farms it.

Hunh, I have absolutely no memory when/how I got mine.


Biiiig thumbs up for this edit. You have my respect. :1st_place_medal:


My sister gave me my Firefly back in BC. I’ve always treasured it.

Every time I’m in Zangar I farm a bit, I’ve never had one drop.

I’m not selling many pets at the moment.


I got it back in wrath on my rogue and i couldn’t sell it either. Hmmm… idk if i still have it I’d have to look, if i don’t i guarantee i didn’t sell it but for a couple thousand sadly.

I dunno if I have one but it sounds familiar. May have farmed for it and gave up. Or bought it. Can’t remember.

Looking thru my pet collection on the armory is an eye-straining endeavor.

edit: guess I got it back then. Firefly in my collection, not even leveled. There’s also a Violet Firefly which is 25. Obviously it’s a better color. >_< When I cage it, just says Firefly - wowhead says it’s what comes out of the captured firefly cage. Iono.

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It’s original cage had the inscription “Still flying”.

It’s a shame that’s gone.


Tell them to kiss your ooker.

I’m looking at one in the AH, being offered for 70,000g.

Thanks for the reminder to look. I’ve still never gotten one.


This is why it’s still my favorite pet.