11.0.5 Balance Druid Feedback

Agreed. The Eclipse mechanic once again directly affects this issue, as we need to hard cast two spells of the opposite type to enter the Eclipse state. That period of hard casting can feel especially frustrating when it’s interrupted by movement mechanics (like swirlies on the floor), more so than other spell cast interruptions. Entering Eclipse as quickly as possible is crucial to fully ‘play the game’ and maximize our damage. When our hard casts are interrupted, we lose those few precious seconds of Eclipse time, either because we’re forced to move or, as mentioned, because we can’t enter the state as fast as we’d like due to movement.

Wanted to cross post an idea in here as it is the PTR feedback thread after all.

I would love it if instead of Eclipse feeling like a maintenance buff as it does now, it could instead perhaps feel something like a fluid stance dance controlled by our builder abilities— with only 1 cast to activate the needed Eclipse— and Wrath activating the Solar Eclipse, while Starfire activates Lunar Eclipse to remove the backwards feel in the gameplay. Then of course removing the time limit on the Eclipse buff completely as stated in the original post. This would keep the spec fantasy intact, while lowering Eclipse’s unwieldiness in the modern day when functioning in tandem with the builder/spender gameplay.