11.0: you negate all/ no pirates, no vrykuls, no playable class, no adventure

If they couldn’t top the charts with Dragons, I see it being hard with anything else. Its possible but much more difficult.

Often we find out something small during the final raid such as the BfA robes during Legion and Dragonic language during Shadowlands.

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This player is very right, we just have to wait until November 9.2 and the blizcon


Bellular… the biggest drama queen of all WoW YouTubers.

Alternate theory:

When the game is in a terrible state and half the players quit, the guys who report news on the game reports that it’s in a terrible state and that half the players quit.

And when it isn’t, he doesn’t.

Thankfully he has “haters” that keep him popular (offers Zumakind a mirror) You’d never guess who actually fuels his power.

light vs void war

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I almost forgot how close that will be.

Hmm. I wonder if that final zone will be the new world tree next to Ohn’ahran Plains or perhaps something further below with possible Skardyn in Khaz Algar. :thinking:


It only remains to speculate, mate.

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Its funny how this expansion is so lame, basic, and unexciting storywise that even in 10.0 the most interesting thing to think about is whatever the next expansion could be

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Allow me to present my proposal: https://www.wowhead.com/zone=14092/azmerloth

I mean it can be about all those with Nagas being the main antagonist. It can be a sea exploration expac which is where vrykul and avaloren come in.

void / azshara makes more sense to me than pirates and vykrul

it’s not just bellular that thinks this, even though all these comments in this thread fixated on bellular.

I don’t care what the next expansion is gonna be about. We haven’t even reached the first major patch of the current expansion. Why bother wasting time speculating about something 1.5+/- years away, possibly getting hopes up and then being outraged when the reality doesn’t match?

I would like to have an expansion which is dark, as the whole “happy time” stuff, is just a bit weird in WOW.

But not again the Legion or some kind of infernal invasion, no something cold with snow and ice. At said expansion I would like to see new professions, Transmog overhaul and in general quality of life features.

An AH for all realms, new guild bank features like a reagent tab, better system for LFR, LFD and PVP, where kindness is rewarded. Especially pvp seems broken to me, a solo Q for BG´s is long overdue and Twink BG´s need to be fixed, as nothing opens below max level these days.

What we dont need in my opinion is yet another happy fun class / race. We had so many of those lately and honestly, they are not really my cup of tea. I don´t know what candidates we have left to bring in the darkness again, but I feel that WOW lacks what made it once so popular, evil chars and story lines.

I also feel that we need a total overhaul of raids and easier access to the old content. If someone wants to run for transmogs, he or she must fly across various zones to enter. But also the entire bag system needs an overhaul, we should not need to carry alternative gear in our bags anymore and quest items should all be stored without taking bag space.

As a Druid, I run with 3 different sets of gear, this is kind of meh and a lot of things we pick up to hand in or use for quests is blocking bag space.

We should also be able to hire an NPC, that we can sell items to in a dungeon, like the guild NPC we can summon. I feel that transmog is an entire game inside WOW and it needs to be brought up to 2024 and not sit back in 2012.

So let us gather transmogs if our char can equip the item, so that a Hunter can unlock cloth, leather and mail for instance.

Reputation should be account wide, there is a lot to improve in general.

So overall, we need more Quality of life updates, a darker them but without Legion and Infernal / space invaders, with an ice like environment.

Raids need new mechanics, LFR should open up for normal raids, after the player has unlocked easy mode, mythic without + should become available in LFD, with the requirement to have finished heroic.

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the first place on 10.1 was predicted by many youtubers around the world and before it came out.
Second to 10.1 I’m going to enjoy it although I didn’t enjoy the full patch since I like dragonflight.

I want the final boss of DF to be Murozond and he shatters the timeways as we’re about to defeat him, leading to an alternate Azeroth expansion.

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If a pirate expansion meant I had to spend most of my time underwater then I guess I’d wait until 12.0 if I am still alive.

Hmm,more for me to drive into. We are doomed.

Now that Dragonflight is wrapping up it will be nice to see what the next xpac will be.