110 twinks lose all BFA azurite gear

Apparently its not just pvp either. They are disabled completely.

Oh no, looks like 110 twinks are dead. :cry:


That was a 5 man Alliance twink team I faced too :stuck_out_tongue:

PvP twinks will survive. PvE twinks though, this is an uppercut to the balls.

It wasn’t.

its a shame blizz didn’t put as much effort into this expansion as they did with twinking these past month or 2

Learn to appreciate the mounts added to the store or enjoy the thrilling gameplay at 120 - complete with azerite and essence grind.

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Speaks for how many people are playing with the amount of store mounts that has happened this expansion

People can still use high ilvl Legion gear in 110 instances of any sort. They just can’t use BfA azerite gear.

I knew this could happen and decided not to do it. Everyone I mentioned the possibility to was in denial.


It looks like you still have your BFA gear. How is that possible?

Back to bashing the art department again I see.


If only the other departments took as good care with their work as the art and music departments.

The problem is that those who do gameplay design play such a narrow part of the game that they never think ahead to things like “what would twinks do if we did this?” And they don’t listen to feedback, so fixing stuff that should have been prevented in the first place takes more than a year.

I am not bashing the art department - the mounts look great. I am bashing the decision to put them in the store as a cashgrab instead of tied to a quest chain or raid.

I don’t hold any resentment against shop mounts. There’s demand, and it would be foolish of them not to respond to that.

It’s not like they’re the only mounts in the expansion.

If they want to have them in the shop fine. They would get much more positive feedback if they also had the same designs in game. So those who want to forego the achievement can buy and those who want content get it. Both win.

I think its more so to do with the fact this is the most I have ever seen them add in 1 expansion because they know a lot of ppl quit lol

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Oh yeh, you got straight to the facts there didnt you.

People would just complain about that. May as well make some money.


There’s a small number of outspoken players that think no mounts should be sold exclusively in the store.

Thats the problem. With the only the one option of getting the mount it turns people cynical and jaded toward Actiblizz. Greed does not inspire people to keep playing your game.