N’zoth, and that Sylvanas would be warchief and burn the tree. It’s obvious sry
Oh so you’re trolling …
See th difference is I predict using available lore and brains and my minds eye
Nope my cousin’s roomate’s mom cuts Metzen’s hair, told me about N’zoth years ago.
Your problem is that you’re unconnected. Makes you miss cues so you have to make these crazy claims that everyone knows aren’t true. I’m sad for you honestly.
If my perception and prophetic powers scare you or make you jelly just say so
Honestly I’ve been more expecting the Titans to either return and turn the knife since we even though have been good mortals we are not ‘apart of there design’. I was actually surprised that we did not get some easter eggs like Lightforged being more aggressive in SW with Tyrallion as temp leader while Anduin is moping in the super hell.
Could tell you the same thing
You’re lookin real sweaty right now.
The only idea I’ve had since the RTS was, and this case with more information, preserving of the timeline.
As in show us the world before the Sundering. Witness the fall of ZinaShari. Relive the first war.
These time rifts are just teasers.
No since you predicting bfa in vanilla is an impossibility.
Predicting DF and the theme of 11.0 isn’t when you’re built different like me.
I mean you down play it but predicting that Uldorus is in the isles is a huge win.
I know I can’t pull up my thread but like I said, I knew that 10.0 would be the isles and that 11.0 would be L v V all the way back since late BFA.
All this is simply because of Mirozonds fate and Yrel’s heel turn.
Nah but I did though
Why don’t you ask me how instead of being skeptical
I’ve seen your other threads, I know all I need to know.
It’s cute that you’re trying to be me but you’re just a pale imitation.
I wonder if we will have to go back and get that zealot Yrel to help us. She did say to us at the end of WoD that if we ever needed her, she would be there.
edit: I’d kinda rather just hang around with pirates or something instead though…
Lol what? Dude you scared??
I’m willing to share with you my secrets.
Don’t wanna reach warcraft enlightenment?
Sounds like,“You are blinded by the light”.Yet that doesn’t mean we are heading there any time soon.
No no, she’s coming to us via infinite shenanigans and will be against us after we refuse to bend the knee to her lightness
Last chance, want me to tell you how I predicted the future or not.
Please, do I’m all for metaphysical knowledge.
Nope, he has to say “pretty please cow lord, share your infinite wisdom with me”
Nah cause I already know you didn’t.
All you have to do to prove me wrong is actually prove it.