1080 Ti ray tracing

I have a 1080 Ti windows update oct2020 and directX 12 and it won’t let me turn ray tracing on. any ideas what could be the issue now

There’s no need to spam this in many threads and one of the threads you posted in has your answer.

And a support article for it.


I was looking adn didn’t see it and this was the newest thread. but this is some b.s. that i can’t. i only have the 1080 Ti since miners and scalpers love to snag and gouge priices etc

I don’t believe the GTX1080TI has the capability of ray tracing.

It will be able to run the game on ULTRA settings no problem. I have the same video card (ASUS GTX1080TI) and run everything on ULTRA on a 1440p monitor easily getting 100+ FPS consistently. The only downside is that it doesn’t have ray tracing as it wasn’t introduced in the NVIDIA line until their RTX2000 and RTX3000 series.

The GTX-class GPUs (10xx, 16xx) don’t come with hardware-accelerated raytracing using dedicated RT cores like RTX family GPUs do. However, DirectX supports a more CPU intensive ray tracing using the normal GPU cores but at lower performance.

Because it’s not a driver-native method (being based on DirectX), apparently Blizzard didn’t code their graphics subsystem to use it.

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