10.2 Warrior Tier

I’d like to see it in different lighting

Got reported for saying “female”. It’s body type 2 you bigot.


Lol you got me I’ll go to jail now


Society nowadays is wild.


Priest been eating good with the sets. Just need them to buff disc

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Yeah the priest sets are crazy this xpac.

Happy for them.

Wish the person who designed priest would do warrior.

That new priest set got the paladins panting again

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The helmet is kinda cool I guess? Depends on the coloration for Pvp I suppose…

Amazing how the truth garners so much ire and hatred in today’s political climate

Was the red and yellow one paladins?? If so, yuck…

On wowhead they made a post that has these sets listed as Aspirant sets not Gladiator ones.

Ok, thank god lol. Reminds me of the legion honor set that was mcugly too.

Idk i feel like calling it aspirant’s is a typo for some reason

Ya i just checked wow head. It says tierset…

Idk i think in different colors than mcdonalds yellow and red itll look pretty sick

I didn’t think sets could look worse than they looked in S2, but Blizz surprised me

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Meanwhile DK gets probably the nicest set of plate I have ever seen. My god they nailed that one.

Paladin set is an L imo. Reused boots model from wotlk too. Dk set is nice. Almost reminds me of warrior set from legion. Priest set is nice once again also. Warrior… :rofl:

That set probably looks a lot better if we had a Juggernaut body type.

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Kul tiran

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