I think the overall message was one of frustration by the mechanism required to trigger the 4 set bonus as being counter productive in that it adds a step that just seems either out of place or instantly overridden do to Misery and Whispering Shadows talent.
Although the damage gain portion within the message exists, I read it as it’s not the main focus of the message.
So is a raid build with empowered renew viable with this Tier set? where you’re throwing up renews like a druid does rejuv and just slamming holy words and a buffed CoH?
Yes, it is probably going to be the most viable build to use to min-max the proc rate. However, you do not turn into a Resto Druid that just spams Renew the entire raid. You only use Renew as a filler spell while everything else is on cooldown.
Rapid Recovery might be a viable alternative since the healing bonus does apply to the 2-piece bonus.
TBH, if you wanted to run empowered renew now would have been the time.
Empowered renew is a current meme build - you can run it in aberrus and keep up if you want. Since the tier is mostly based on PoM, you’re basically just renewing as a filler for downtime, and it works out alright because emp. renew makes renew better than flash heal but slightly worse than heal for downtime healing - but doesn’t take going all the way to lightweaver to make a spell you can cast.
Moving into the patch, the talent to take is more likely rapid recovery. You’re looking to passively proc renews off holy words + benediction - which gains the rapid recovery benefit (but would not gain emp. renew). And you want your filler spell to be something else largely because they have better holy word generation.
The tier is RPPM AFAIK, so casting more renews shouldn’t make it proc more often so long as the renews you’re passively generating are hitting the procs per minute.
You do need to take in account bad RNG with Benediction procs. Also, in 5-mans the proc rate might be lower due to not having constant Benedictions. I’m not entirely sure if just the 2-piece bonus alone will trigger everything.
At this point I kind of want them to remove PI all together. I mean if something a priest does is getting nerfed because other people benefit from it too much, why bother?
Mass Dispell - Why even put it on your bar. Once every two minutes? no. Bursting.
Symbol of Hope - why? Did a few twitch players that hit that every single time it is up skew the numbers? I hit it when I can but by no means every time it is up.
I duno. I’m excited by the increase in flash heal and heal. Super not thrilled about anything else.
It was a pretty loud opinion during beta to remove Power Infusion from Shadow at the very least and I would argue from Holy as well.
The response to that loud outcry was in the form of the blue PWGFY post by the devs that basically poo poo all over the requests the majority of players were raising.
Mostly along the lines of either some other class already has something similar so we don’t get it or a PvP issue.
In the case of Power Infusion, they pretty much said that it’s not actually an issue and that it’s a community made up problem.
And now here we are with its nerfed state alongside other unsavory nerfs.
I can only hope blizzard have reconsidered their view on not only Power Infusion but also on all the other items they addressed and have enough humanity to admit that they made a mistake and will correct it going into 11.0
I don’t know about you but I have not felt ‘powerful’ in this expansion at all. (Holy Priest - die hard since the beginning). In fact most of the time I’m struggling to keep up - granted that could be because I’m just getting a little slower in my old lady age =p.
I’ve not been playing retail for a number of reasons. But every time I attempt to check it out again, I just don’t find anything compelling enough to start the grind again.
Between increasing world issues which lead to real life issues and other games that are both fun, short and a far cry away from MMO core gameplay… just not motivated enough to block out time to play something that has just enough annoyances to question what’s the point and if it’s worth it which has been increasingly been the conclusion I come too and I walk away once again.
Managed to squeeze in a key on Holy tonight (first time in weeks). I did a +23 UR to warm up. I’ll play around with Disc tomorrow.
Nerfs to Rashok really sticks out. It went from 350k+ mana a dungeon to 90k, so definitely need to slot points into Throes of Pain again.
Log from +23: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/AtHxvbm3rcRjy8W9#fight=last&type=healing&source=1
The buffs to Serenity/Flash Heal really stand out because they beat out PoM in overall healing (which was never the case before). I didn’t see any real improvement on Echo of Light because it still overheals by almost 50%, but that might be because of the stronger single target heals.
I think Essence Devourer got buffed because the avg hit is 44k compared to 30k before. It does about 450k healing when activated.
The last boss in UR is brutal now with only a 2 minute MD, but it’s only a problem for one more week anyway. I just wouldn’t suggest doing UR unless you want to heal through 3+ stacks.