10.2 - Guardians of the Dream

I wouldn’t be surprised if the only reason why the forsaken have a showing at all is because of the undead night elves. I’m guessing it’s less about them and more using them as a means to link to Delaryn later.

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We got an answer to that.

buffed: During the campaign in the Emerald Dream, we follow Lillian Voss and Shandris, who form a rather unusual duo considering the past story of a World Tree, the Horde and the Night Elves. Was this cooperation intentional to make it clear that both groups need to work together across party lines to save the dream?

Katherine Bankson: Absolutely. Amirdrassil growing and making its way to Azeroth is something both factions are interested in. We also wanted to include the Horde in this story. Of course, a World Tree and the burning of a World Tree is a very controversial topic.

From our point of view, Lillian was a good fit for this because we think she has her own views and thoughts that make her suitable for working with a character from the other side.

We chose Shandris. Because she is a night elf who has experienced the trauma of the past 10,000 years. The fact that both of them work together to save the World Tree is a fascinating conflict for us.

Anne Stickney: I think what can be said about the relationship between the two - or all Warcraft characters in general - is that just because your leader gives an order doesn’t mean you have to be 100% behind it.

There are still many followers of Sylvanas, but just as many followers who disagree with what Sylvanas did. At the same time - and this is what I really like about Guardians of the Dream - we try to show Tyrande as the leader of the night elves and also show the druids of the flame, who don’t agree with the leadership of Tyrande at all… or Malfurion’s leadership, or how the night elves in general have evolved since they joined the Alliance. It’s an intriguing story and this kind of character dynamics is what I like to dive into - there are multiple views of the characters and factions.


Oh, thanks. I hadn’t actually read the interviews since I figured there wouldn’t be anything I’d care about in them.


Oh FFS I am sick to death of fire zones. There are other elements, people.

Rogues got the Warglaives in Black Temple, and Warriors got two in Vanilla (one was popular with rogues, and the other with Paladins). Early WoW clearly had a melee bias.

There was a staff in Naxx, (and corrupted Ashbringer) but so few people even got that far into Naxx40 to even think of getting it.


They would be wrong, Calia is probably a better pick.
She had nothing to do with Sylvanas or the burning, and has an Alliance related background in addition trying to make peace between the factions.

I don’t think Lilian an ex-Sylvanas goon is really the right choice.


This is probably a mistake to post, but… Someone on a discord im in had this shirt made a few blizzcons back and it made me think of it


I wouldn’t count them out for good, as the “Lordaeron is for the Alliance” crowd is still seething and foaming at the mouth from the latest Fosaken developments.

That said, the story devs do have an established trend of forcing the Nelves to take L’s if it benefits the Horde overall.


God, this story will never recover.


I mean, I… am actually somewhat surprised they came out and said it as plainly as they did here, but I do at least understand they are trying to say that races aren’t monolith.

They just need to put in a lot of work on that front. Things are definitely weird in a way that I know Blizzard didn’t expect. I just dont see how they didn’t expect it.


That’s why I’m in favor or retconning the setting all the way back to Warcraft 3. The Horde (and the Alliance to a small extent) are damaged goods. The faction will never clean its hands of all the bad writing and disturbing implications.


Same but I know it’s a pointless daydream to hope it’d ever happen. I imagine rebooting the game would be franchise suicide because Blizzard would effectively be throwing away 20 years worth of work and preexisting attachment, and I don’t think the curiosity of what would be done differently would beat out boredom of whatever plot points would repeat. :frowning:


Some people really think this whole Classic+ thing is going to happen.

I really don’t see it, but in all honestly I really kinda hope it does for the people who just… Love Warcraft but hate the direction it went. It really sucks to be in a position of liking a franchise but hating it due to being… just…brutalized in so many ways.


I thought about it myself but then I realized if it did happen, I’d likely be rerolling only to end up not having a playable mage race I wanted to be all over again, just on a hope that the story wouldn’t repeat the way it would. There’s certainly no reason to expect that they’d add different races to the factions, after all.


I personally think just accepting what happened and moving on is better, you cant change what happened, redoing a story already told feels wrong

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I feel there might be some reflections of the dev team itself there as the war of thorns was incredibly controversial inside the team as well, it really only happened because Afrasiabi forced it through. I honestly feel DF as a whole has had a sort of meta narritive of the dev team healing rifts after the chaos of the BFA-Shadowlands era.


The issue people who suggest a reboot or classic+ never seem to consider is it would still be the same hack writers we have now. Things likely wouldn’t improve they’d just be bad in different ways.

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Narrative and Lore Interview for Patch 10.2

  • Alexstrasza believing Fyrakk was coming for Amirdrassil was simply deduction on her part.
  • The Primalists are no longer the huge army they were at the beginning of Dragonflight, with only some left.
  • Man’ari Paladins are a possibility, as long as the narrative team find it an interesting story.
  • Inconsistencies and narrative errors can be opportunities, allowing them to examine from the point of view of an unreliable narrator or reframe psdt events as from the point of view story format.

I guess that is… a way to look at it. :neutral_face:


I actually really hope to see a Man’ari Paladin NPC someday. The malding on the forums would be hilarious to me.

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Why the hell did these people decide to pursue a job as writers if this is their mentality