Nope Shadow priest leggo.
Followed by shadow nerfs.
Then followed by a rework that has zero synergy with the leggo.
Also every dungeon will require mass dispel every 3 pulls and every boss.
Nope Shadow priest leggo.
Followed by shadow nerfs.
Then followed by a rework that has zero synergy with the leggo.
Also every dungeon will require mass dispel every 3 pulls and every boss.
They should make it druid/evoker legendary mace or staff or maybe off hand. Evokers have too much green dragon lore and story, also use emerald dream magic.
Evokers just got a legendary, though. Would seem kind of strange to give them a second unique legendary so soon, at least imo.
I could see the new Legendary being either Druid-specific or maybe Druid/Shaman to go with the Nature/Elemental theme of Dragonflight.
It’s only borrowed power if everyone has it (like tier sets). These specific leggos don’t count!
Yes, Blizzard keep adding borrowed power while ignoring the glaring problem with most classes. So many in need of a rework. DH, Hunters, Rogue, Warrior, Monk, Warlock.
I hope it’s a 3rd cloak from Wrathion just for the memes
Only one shadow priest rework in the entire patch? Think bigger, I bet they get at least three.
Hopefully this patch will unlock more druid races.
argus trinket 2.0 pls, or some sort of universal questline
Nononooo. Legendary hat for all peoples! A flower crown! And you can upgrade it by adding more flowers to it!
Guardian of the dream. Feels like a warrior legendary 100%
Oh then it’s limited borrowed power that you need to perform well with a class. Monk e.g consists of 40% BP.(beacon, class trinket, embellishments, forgestorm)
Tbh. This is a nightmare in comparison to shadowlands because there it was just timegated power
Blizzard has shown they are incapable of doing legendaries in a way that is fun and fair for all players that consider themselves high end. This doesn’t give me a whole lot of hope for that patch
Open world legendary?
reads the room
backs away quietly
It’s going to be a legendary shirt, bought with tenders off the Trading Post.
I mean, I enjoyed the bfa system
The new legendary is going to be a rainbow cloak that swaps your body type when equipped.