10/12M Players LFG

Akades-Illidan (Mage) / Flipz (Priest) (Hellfire Citadel)
Bubblye-Illidan (Holy Priest)
Alkavas (Warrior)

Jestyrs#1979 is my btag. Please check logs prior to contact.

We returned recently, caught up in gear and enchants, working on sockets.

This is my first time playing Mage and my ilvl parses are alright for Mythic but obv still room for improvement, especially when playing with better teams. A couple of us have top 100 raid experience, even top 5 world. We have been back for 2 and a half months after 4 years off .

Bubblye has already been parsing 90%+ for healing in Mythic.

We both have CE raid leading experience.
We could also recruit other raider’s to come with us if asked.

Hey guys - take a look at our recruitment post and if you feel like it’s a good fit, feel free to fill out the short application.

Hey there Eiahnko! I tossed you an invite on BNET (Tellie). Feel free to add me and let’s talk!

Hello Eiahnko

Illidan [H] is 12/12M looking for raiders looking to get CE. We are a MORNING raiding guild.
We currently have two raid teams:
Raid Team 1 : 12/12M currently working on Nzoth and raids WED/THU/FRI 8AM (NOT PM) to 11AM CST.
Raid Team 2 : Mondays 7/12M 8AM-11AM.

15-30 online at all times of the day, active in M+, heroic raids, transmog runs and pvp!

If this interests you let me know,
Discord: Withoutt#8803
Bnet: Without#1930

Would love to have a conversation, and we do have room for a few more players as well to fill out the roster.

Looking again. Not interested with bench positions.

I know Meta didn’t really fit the bill on what you guys were looking for, but feel free to keep me on BNET to run keys and such if you like. ;}

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Thanks! Sounds good!

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We are formed by a group of veteran players that have known each other for years. Our core leadership has top US 30-100 experience. We also have a few people who have pushed 12/12M this tier. We are a laid back group but know when it is time to get serious and push content. We raid a relatively light schedule compared to other guilds at our rank and want to be efficient and effective with our time.
With many of us having experience in higher end raiding the target for the guild is to progress in the US 100-200 range. As a result, we are taking our time with recruitment in order to meet these goals.

Current recruitment needs:
Melee DPS – DK, DH, Rogue, Warrior
Ranged DPS – Warlock, Hunter, Boomkin, Shadow Priest, Elemental Shaman
Healer- Disc/Holy Priest, Resto Druid, MW Monk

With a new expansion just around the corner we are flexible to what people are looking to play and are open to changes for Shadowlands.
Raid Times:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday – 11:00-2:00AM EST

If you have any questions or would like additional info please feel free to reach out to either
Kurtis (GM): Burtis#11734 (Btag) Kurtis#2708 (Discord)
Moja (Raid Lead): Moja#11524 (Btag) Saint#0374 (Discord)