10/10H 213 Holy Paladin LF Mythic Progression Guild

Hey Fearz!

Newly formed guild on Horde, Kel’Thuzad. We are a chill group of guys who left our guild to push the highest content we can push. Led by a group of former mythic raiders, we are opening recruitment to progress into mythic CN. Currently 10/10H after only 3 raids as a unit. We are only missing those last few pieces for mythic progression. Currently in need of Ranged dps and healers. Especially in need of a Disc Priest, and HPal. Current raids are Tuesday and Wednesday at 9:30 est. People interested in applying can message me or one of our officers on discord or battle.net.

Discord - Reehc#1538, dankforge#5306, or CJ#4589
Bnet - Mills2#11341, ugalde#1160, or kyle#1347

Hey! i’d love to talk to you about this. Heres a little spam.
Zul’jin Horde. T/W/Th 8-11 EST. 6/10 M 10/10 H
I’ve looked over your logs, and you seem on par with what we’re looking for. We could always use more healers for m+, and your friend would be welcome as a casual/bench player. We have a rbg team (casual but led by current 2400 player)
Our guild is comprised mostly of raiders from Disturbed - Zul’jin horde, been raiding together over 5 years. We arent going anywhere!

If this interests you at all please add me on btag Dps#11644 or discord Weirdo#1417
Id like to talk with you over voice!

Please reach out to me Thrall horde side we are 9/10H raiding Wednesday Thursday Sunday 10Pm-12:30 Est add me on discord I can accommodate the bench spots as well Shadow#8002

Good afternoon.

I represent the Alliance guild Initiative on the Proudmoore server. We currently have two raid teams which both run from 9:30pm - 12:30pm EST. (6:30pm-9:30pm server) Both teams are 9/10 Heroic, one team is 1/10M. We are looking for active players to begin our push into Mythic.

We offer raid and bench spots, so I believe we could accommodate your friend as well. Several of our members have formed M+ groups that run on their own schedule. I’m sure we could find you a group. Here is our guild schedule.

Monday Night Mythics - starting between 9:00 and 9:30pm EST we run as many M+s as we can for as many people who are interested. (This is outside of our individual push teams)
Tuesday and Thursday - 9:30pm to 12:20am EST are progression nights for both raid teams
Friday has become like an unofficial PvP night. Many of our members break off for either areans or when enough are on Rated BGs.
Saturday - 9:30pm - 12:30am EST is an optional alt / farm night.

If this peeks your interest, I would be happy to chat more with you. I can be reached via bnet or discord.

Khornell#5023 (Discord)
Khornell#1551 (bnet)

The Boys is a new raiding guild, returning for Shadowlands. Our core is a group of players who have played together for multiple tiers prior, always obtaining CE. Leadership roles are filled with people having high end raiding experience (US top 3, and US top 100). We are looking to prep for Shadowlands, with strong players looking to finish the tier at a fast pace, with a relax schedule.

Raid Times:
Tues-Thurs 5:30PM PST - 830PM PST
Sunday: optional alt raid/heroic farm

What we’re looking for:

Cutting Edge/ close to Cutting edge experienced players

Strong class knowledge and talent. This means being able to perform mechanics while doing your role well.

Players who come to raid ready. This means consumables as well as fight knowledge. Know the fights prior to the pull, know what to expect.

Team oriented players, this means putting the kill before your parse especially on progression.

Positive attitude. We want friendly individuals who want to game with the boys. Joking around is totally okay, but on progression we want individuals who know how to keep it serious and stay focused.

Individuals who play the game outside of raid. This can be multiple different things whether it’s mythic plus, or hitting some arena, we want people that enjoy the game, not raid loggers.

We are looking primarily for strong Range DPS and Disc/Rsham/Hpal.

We understand that life happens, and this is a video game, but we expect 90% attendance. Remember you have 19 other players relying on you. We want players who are consistent and will stick around, not leave mid tier.

No need to fill out an application, just talk to us.
Contact Information

Discord: cody#1505

current prog is 3/10 with arty at 35% after about 2 hours of prog and sun king was dying last week but had a healer have irl family issues and we didnt have a 5th healer for sun king so we just went to do arty prog

Hi Austin! I’m gonna toss out the standard guild description below, but first I wanted to say hi! I think our team would be a great fit for you, given what you are looking for. We’re heading into mythic progression and wanting to establish a solid roster for that. We are currently looking for a healer and are open to receiving your friend for a bench spot on either of their characters. We have a solid crew of people who are really wanting to push M+ and who are an absolute blast to play with. I really do think you would be a great fit for our team. I’ll paste our info below, but please reach out to me on Discord at Chia#6920 if you’re interested. Thanks! All the best to you, whatever you decide.

Deadweight is a newly formed guild on Area 52 [H]. We have progressed through heroics much faster than anticipated and are looking to take on a few more skilled players into our roster for a Mythic push. We are also looking for socials and we welcome anyone who wants a fun home while they work on their character before finding a home for raiding.

About us: We are an adult guild (21+, most in our mid 30s) that came together to just have a grand old time smacking some dragons around. We emphasize a positive raiding environment heavily, but expect that everyone does their due diligence to be prepared for raid and have mastery of their class. Our ultimate goal is to clear all mythic content while it is current, and we will push our members to play at the level, but we will not sacrifice a positive and fun raiding environment to get there. Leadership and multiple members of the team have experience (some extensively so) in both Cutting Edge and top 100 raiding.

Raid Schedule: 7pm - 10pm PST Tuesdays and Thursdays. (That’s 10pm - 1am EST)

What we’re looking for: We are open to all applicants! We’re more interested in collecting people with the right raiding mindset and personalities rather than the right classes. In terms of raid roles, we are currently mostly looking for DPS (ranged preferred, mage high priority) and a healer (will consider any class). Additionally, if you feel you would like to raid in this sort of environment in the future, but want a fun environment to hang out with while you get up to speed through off-night normal clears and M+ runs, please join us!

Truly and honestly, we want to have a blast playing this game. If this sounds like the right raiding environment for you, then please reach out! You can contact either of the lovely people below and we would be happy to chat with you!

Chia - GM and Co-Raid Lead: Chia#6920 (Discord) or Chchchchia#1170 (battletag)
Kitty - Raid Lead: Rain#5392 (Discord) or RainMrow#1790

Hey Fearzlol,

We’re looking for a healer to round out our roster as we head into mythic CN. Sounds like you would be a good fit. Here’s our info:

Proficient (formerly known as Proficient in Wagons) is a horde guild on Zul’jin-US that formed during ABT and has stayed active throughout the end of Legion and BFA. We are 10/10 H in Castle Nathria and just getting ready to start mythic progression this week. We were also 10/12 M Ny’alotha. Our Raid Nights are Tuesday/Wednesday 9:00pm to 12:00am EST. We usually do alt/optional runs on Saturday based on interest. We are not a hardcore guild aiming for CE, however we do like to make progress in Mythic where we can, which means raiders should come with knowledge of the fights before raid time. Currently, we are doing farm content on Tuesdays and progression content on Wednesdays.

Pushing M+ keys has been a growing priority in the guild as more people are looking for challenging content outside of raids. Our active members are currently getting their high keys done every week and like to challenge each other to push as much as possible. We had multiple guild members with .io 3k+ in BFA and are already climbing to high .io score at the start of Shadowlands. Future members are welcome to join push teams if they are interested and able. We also have a fairly high interest in guild PvP and have started to do some weekend RBG groups.

Our main objective and priority is to keep up an active and enjoyable community throughout Shadowlands and into the future.

We have an active discord at night and highly encourage its use outside of events for greater enjoyment of the game. Discord is required for events (raids).

We are looking for a few dps and a healer to round out our roster. Mythic spots will be set by performance and/or comp for progression, and then we try to rotate people in for re-kills.

If interested, feel free to reach our GM through a PM, or in game yaomingdave#1615, or in discord yaomingdave#4312.

Thank you for your time and hope to hear from you soon!

Hello austin we could really use a Hpally/Ret!

Meme Regime - The Memes Strike back

After taking a break through most of BFA and casually raiding for AOTC + Mythic kills we are back with the drive to push into high mythics and strive for CE this coming expansion.

However, we meme a lot at times. We like to have fun, and believe raiding should be something that is fun to do, not all work. We do have a serious face though >:|.

We have a very healthy Mythic+ farm/push community and strongly encourage all raiders/trials to maintain an active role in it.

Current Needs:
ranged DPS
Currently 10/10H 2/10M

Even if you do not see your spec up there please do apply we would love to talk with you

Raid Times:

Tues/Wed/Thurs 9 pm - 12 am EST


  • Be able to make full use of voice communications (e.g., Discord ) while being able to listen and communicate with raid members.
  • Have fun in raid and have amazing if not perfect attendance for raid, but we do understand that real life comes first so if there are any emergencies just be sure to let the guild know

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to the following on Discord
GM: Contestio#3706
Officer: Fonze#9748

< Hate to See It > We are a mid-tier mythic progression guild. Our focus is to push content as far as we
can take it, with the end goal being CE. The majority of the core in this guild have raided together through
many past expansions and previous tiers. We raid prog 2 days a week, have slightly elevated expectations and
are a little more on the competitive side when it comes to raid spots. Attendance, performance, and
personal responsibility all determine your spot in the core progression group, we do not hard carry
people here.

We are currently accepting the following classes:
Boomkin, Mage, Warlock, Spriest, UH DK, Hpal OR Disc Priest

Raid Days/Time:
Tues/Thur from 8pm to 11pm EST

We are always looking for exceptional players that possess a similar mindset.

For additional information regarding raiding, recruiting or otherwise, please contact Ivaedra or Kagemetsu

BattleTag -Vae#11186

Discord - Ivaedra#2899

[H] Thrall 1/10M

We’re a CE guild looking for healers to join us for mythic progression! We’re a weekend raiding guild Fri/Sat 9-12EST and we’re looking to fill 1-2 healers spots on our team. We expect to have Huntsman down this weekend and start Hungering prog. Outside of raid we like to push keys and we’re forming an RBG team.

Add me on Disc AlexstraszaElda#9138 or Bnet Alexstrasza#11479!

Hello there, we would love to have you.

I’m Nyoki and I’m the recruitment officer for Good Game of Mal’Ganis. We, as a raid group, have been playing together since the end of Wrath and have always fully cleared progression with Cutting Edge. We’ve recently made the move to Mal’Ganis, horde, after over a decade of being Alliance (Kel’Thuzad and Stormrage).

We find the only thing that keeps us playing is those in which we’ve played with for a long time. We consider our guild a family. A large, dysfunctional, family. We are currently finalizing the right CE team to take on Shadowlands and would love to talk to you about joining our band of miscreants. :slight_smile:

Feel free to read through the spam below and add my Real ID if you have any questions.

Hope to hear from you! If not, best of luck in your guild search and Shadowlands!

Nyoki the Insane
(BNet: Nyoki#11232, Discord: Nyoki#8886)

The leadership of Good Game have been playing together for multiple years and have had a successful career at not only leading end game content but have excelled at progression and staying competitive. We were formed originally on Kel’thuzad and made our way to Stormrage Alliance from WoD on forward. We finally made the hordian plunge recently and made our way here to Mal’Ganis. Although we may be new to the realm, we’ve been playing together mostly since Cataclysm.

We are currently recruiting skilled and dedicated individuals who believe they have what it takes to be top of the line players. The majority of us are older seasoned players who tend to thrive in that type of environment. We as a guild understand that it takes all kinds of individuals to make a guild successful and thus we would like to encourage all players that feel they are ready for our raid to apply. We welcome not only polished and experienced individuals but also players that simply have not discovered their true potential.

Raid Schedule
Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday 9:00PM-12:00AM CST (ST)

Current Progression
2/10M - Castle Nathria
10/10H - Castle Nathria

Previous Progression
BFA - 12/12M - Ny’alotha, the Waking City
Legion - EN (7/7M), ToV (2/3M), Nighthold (10/10M), TOS (9/9M), Antorus (11/11M)
WOD - Highmaul(7/7M), BRF(10/10M), and Hellfire Citadel(13/13/M)
MOP - MV(6/6H), HOF (6/6H), TOES (4/4H), TOT (13/13H), SoO (14/14M)
Cataclysm - BWD (6/6H), BOT (5/5H), TOFW (2/2H), Firelands (7/7H) and DS(8/8H)

Ranged DPS - (Open) (HIGH: Hunters, Warlock, Mage)
Melee DPS (Open) (HIGH: Exceptional Candidates)
Healer - Open - (HIGH: Priest / Shaman)
Tank - Open - (Exceptional Candidates)

We are looking to recruit several players for a 100% raid spot. Regardless of the status of your class in the above list, we encourage all exceptional players to apply. If you can outperform a current raider and not die to easy mechanics, you will take their spot.

Contact Information
Nyoki: BNet: Nyoki#11232, Discord: Nyoki#8886


We could definitely secure a bench spot for your friend.

We’re 9/10H and looking to fill in the final openings for our raid team for Castle Nathria. Our goal is to hit AOTC each patch and push into Mythic, CE is a strong possibility but not a requirement.

The backbone of the guild is a core group of players who have extensive experience in the game. We’ve experienced server firsts and obtained gladiator in previous seasons and expansions, but personal life commitments prevent us from no-lifing the game full time. We still plan on experiencing the content the game has to offer, just at a pace our schedule allows. We’re looking for people who are committed and team players.

Raid Times:

  • Monday - 10PM - 1AM EST(7PM-10PM PST)
  • Wednesday - 10PM - 1AM EST(7PM-10PM PST)

Recruitment Needs

We are recruiting HEALERS and dps for raid spots at this time. However, If you are an exceptional player, please do not hesitate to apply.

We are also willing to accept casual members looking for a place to enjoy their game time in Shadowlands.

Please contact either of the below to discuss our openings:

Tacobucket#11442 - BNET
Ginobli#1260 - Discord

Burtron#1991 - BNET


If you’re still looking, TKB on Sargeras (2/10M) would love to talk to you. Send me a message on Bnet at stills#1285 and we can chat!

Hi there! Appreciate your post here :slight_smile: We are a former 10/12M guild right now filling in a few spots to solidify our team to get AotC and push mythic. We NEED a Holy Paladin, and I from reading your post it really sounds like you and your buddy would be a great fit here!

Shoot me a friend request on discord: Wings#3000 - would love to chat with you before this evening! We have raid tonight and I might be able to get you in for a run!!

Hey there Austin, I truly appreciate the time you took to deliver so much detail in your post. You do not see that often. I am interested in talking to you, and potentially setting something up. By, the way the bench spots can be provided. Here is a bit about us. Hope to hear from you


Howdy Austin,

I would love the opportunity to chat with you assuming you haven’t found your ideal home just yet. We have an immediate need for a healer and your days/times fit perfectly. We are also super relaxed about bench spots for friends and value our culture over all else. No toxicity or bs here. Just good quality gaming with good people.

Please reach out if you would like to chat more. I’d be honored to at least have a chat with you about our team.

Discord: Pimsley#1337


Could use a hpally and would have a spot for your friend. Meet the rest of your points HMU if interested. Levios#1714

would love to chat with the both of you guys add my btag fleet#1643

has an immediate spot for a Holy Pally available. We are on Mal’ganis and raid from 8-11pm EST. We are 10/10H looking to start mythic prog this week. And a bench raider would also be ideal.

Bnet Rush#12378

Hey Austinpally, we have an immediate spot for an Hpal
