10/10 Pre-Nerf Elemental Shaman LFG

Raided P2 with my guild, Tribute. Due to schedule changes I have to be a bench with their raid times, so I am seeking a new guild to do P3 prog with. I would prefer to join a guild that also went 10/10 pre-nerf.

I am P2 geared, still need a shadow set.

I can raid Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday, 7:30-8PM ST or later.

Hit me up on BNet or Discord if you have need of me, and let’s do some pewpewin!

Discord: meowmixz#5698
BNet: meowmixz#1172

can recommend - 10/10 have played with before and is a pumper. Would also make love to him if had the chance

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Absolute pumper shaman. Also damn fine CSGO player.

My man pumps in raid, any guild would be lucky to pick him up!
