100exp event

Nice, nice.

I just want to say “Thank You” to Blizz for the XP boost. I just came back today and am glad I can level some alts a little quicker.


A month
its to distract us from the upcoming TEOTWAWKI event.

Does the Draught of Ten Lands potion stack with this?

A month? Holy moly. A guy could level several alts with that boost. Stacked with warmode and looms, an alliance character can hit 180% boost if you have the rings!

Guessing you werent around for the Anniversary Korraks Revenge eh.

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What? I must have missed something.

Top sticky :wink:

Hmm, wonder why it copied that player’s post when I just did copy link from the main page. Oh well!

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Oh ok. I usually pass over them because they are old info.

How do i get the buff


logging in is enough

I wonder if it’s coincidence that it’s 420

This buff has honestly been an amazing experience

the hero’s of the storm (make all hero’s free buff) has made me uninstall :joy:

Hitler’s birthday? Maybe.

I quit when they added Chromie instead of Mekkatorque. I will not reinstall until my homeboy is playable.

Weed holiday. I hope no one celebrates Hitler’s b’day.

If things get really bad maybe they’ll extend it to 6/9. Really hoping things don’t get that bad

HA! I wonder if the story, cinematic, and development team will issue
wait for it
a JOINT statement on extending the buff.

Yeah it’s been great levelling. I started a monk
I have 9 hours of playtime and he’s almost 70 already. But then again, 220% exp buff will do that. Just started a Tauren Paladin, and he hit 10 with looms in seemingly minutes.

I’ll take it all! I wanna get all my alt ideas up to 80 or so. 60-80 is a bit painful, but 80-120 is pretty easy thankfully.

All part of the Deep States first plan to see if people will comply with simple orders. The werst is next to come. :laughing:

Well, they have their answer: NoOoOooOoOooOoOo lol

OT: They should have made it 200% for half the time YEAH :smiley: Hire me Blizz I’ll be your idea man

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