Yeah, that sucks. We all know it’s temporary, but you’re demanding a solution now. Is your group of friends not understanding enough to continue being friends and playing together if you hit queue times due to work for a couple of weeks?
Adding more realms is likely to (oh what was the blue post on exactly this topic again?):
Yet that’s what they did. So, now there’s another fresh start PVP realm. But that’s not good enough for you, even though it’s already something that will have negative effects on the community, because people couldn’t just play somewhere else with their groups of friends or wouldn’t.
So what next? Server transfers? What exactly are you asking for here, what is it that you want?
Now don’t get me wrong, I can understand that you are frustrated. And sure, you can’t play the game where you want, when you want and when you have time. I get that. Heck, I sat in 3 and half hour queues every single day last week. I made adjustments to my schedule and daily routine to work around it, and I get that some people are unable or unwilling to do that, but again there are options.
That would be the only solution I think that would be acceptable other than go play somewhere else or figure out how to deal with the queue times. But I don’t expect them to be able to rework the code within a couple of days, weeks or realistically even months.
Of course, and that is exactly part of the Classic experience. If you don’t want the queue times with your Classic experience, then just play somewhere else. Again, I do understand that you wanted to play on Skyfury and also play without queues, but you’ve had two weeks to reconsider rather than doubling down, and now you’re asking for changes that will hurt our server’s population and community. And sure, you’re entitled to ask for those changes, just as I’m entitled to point out that what you’re asking for is exactly the thing that lead to lopsided servers, dead servers, and massive transfers during WoW Classic and TBC Classic.