100% sure that roll is not random

Me running lfr weekly on my season max toons fully carrying groups for specific pieces… never winning a single roll or seeing a mount…

Me thinks rng hates you because my damage says roll arent biased off dps or contribution… sometimes i do wish they were though.

Dude what are you on here? Your diet is def high on sodium.

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The tin foil is strong with this one.

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This feels extremely scientific. Rigorously researched and confirmed.

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Just like my flat earth videos.

Well the earth is 70% uncarbonated water.


A goblin of true science.

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the replies are gaslighting

Dude typing in iambic pentameter lmao

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This is sad

until now, 3 weeks and 3 times, I still got nothing.
today, it dropped 2 swords in the 7th boss.
One guy gets boths them at the same time but I get nothing, nothing, nothing.
Moreover, I found some top DPS guys still ask for gear even their is better than it.
Their DPS is higher. So, they get them easily.
I just ***k the roll system and quited.

My horde pally got 3 pieces today, and 2 were tier. Pretty nice after the first few weeks were horrible. RNG just gonna RNG

I ran an experiment today to test the OP’s theory. I AFK’d an LFR and rolled a 100 on a gear drop.

True randomness is impossible because an outsight observer, like God or someone viewing the code for the random() function, can predict the results.

7 rolls for loot yesterday while i was #3 on dps chart and I lost every single roll to people below me. Even rolled a 96 on a token and a tank snagged it at 99 while having higher iLvl gear on.

Were you doing lfr? No one wins anything in lfr unless roll a 100. I’ve seen 98 and 99 rolls lose way too many times.

Just this week I saw someone lose even after rolling a 100 because someone else rolled a100. But loot RNG it’s never based upon performance because if it was I would have won some of the best in slot items by now. Currently I am just working with what I’ve managed to get from personal loot in Mythic Plus and vault.

I did lfr on my pally today, played ret, set loot to holy as i am gunning for better stats to play holy instead of ret stats, and I did top dps the entire raid, all trash, all bosses.

Guess who won all the loot? A fury warrior who died 10 sec into each boss with a 38k overall for the entire raid, with his loot spec set to prot, he won the shield, the 1 hander, the bracers, the class token, and the hearthstone toy.

Pretty sure he just WW trash, then afked on bosses…

So this theory of best performing wins the loot doesn’t fit my experience.

Opposite bottom dps always rolls 100s/99s

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