10.0 suggestion thread

We need an equipment tab where we can store sets of armor and gear rather than in our bags or bank


Optional tails for Worgens that way both sides win.

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I wasn’t suggesting that dungeons become solo content, I was saying a new set of bosses specifically tuned for a solo player, that would have rewards that scale with how many you killed in a week (IE: nomal raid from 2/10, heroic end boss from 10/10 with steps in between).

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With all due respect, you may want to change the title to 11.0. 10.0 at this point is largely narratively written. They have the expansion theme and story planned out. We are going to get what they have planned.

To what your suggesting I agree to some extent. But I dont think having the players character be the focus of the event is a good direction. Narratively right now we are a focal point in the story. We are the Maw Walker and a hundred other titles of amazing accomplishments. The cut scenes and story in BfA and SL, have largely treated us as a focal point and ignored the fact that we are playing with other people. Everyone is the big hero and the people they play with dont exist. That to me, is a problem.

What I really liked about the story is that we were witnesses and participants in the story, but we were simply a fighter in the force. Our guildmates and friends were all the same. As far as the narrative was concerned, we were the army not the general. And that, in its own way enforced the feeling of community and comradery.

I just feel they need to take us out of the story, and focus on telling a great story and letting us witness it. Because right now, in every story, we are Superman. Im tired of being Superman. I want to watch in awe as something else is superman, but I am part of the army fighting against the force that what superman is fighting brought.,

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  • Cross Faction play (open world, guilds, etc;)
  • Better simple story
  • New system like renown unlockable at level 60. No power squish and such
  • a wave mode PvE system kind of like Horde mode from Gears of War
  • End game zone like Suramar
  • New PvP zone and Epic BGs
  • Single Player Legacy Raid mode ( Raid becomes harder than one shot yet soloable. Must be legacy raids and rewards drops increase (mogs, mounts, pets, etc;)
  • No borrowed powers from systems at all!
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Hey guys you’re all making great suggestions.

I personally also want there to be more allied races, and more classes in general. More options for us to play as. I think the basics of cross faction play is coming a story where the war between alliance and horde ends would be nuts to explore for sure.

We ultimately do not know what is coming. I personally think the expansion pack will be 10.0 or very close to that patch number. In my opinion an 11.0 won’t be for much further down the road. You guys are all doing great.

But yes more allied races, more options for us I think I wanna really see more like character development options.

I tank a lot. So I wanna see more ways for us to optimize our stats not just gear.

But as was stated earlier, through professions and the like. They need to develop systems we already have in game. I just wanna see more options going forward.

I think an overhaul of the questing experience with more cut scenes with our characters would be pretty dope too.

Keep up the great work everyone.

You are all making great suggestions and I hope the devs see this thread.

Get rid of Sylvannas…

I’m sick of her…


I want a new row of talents with abilities we’ve temporarily have gotten in the last couple of expacs.

And a house. I will never not want housing.

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This is my dream announcement of 10.0 (which is now just about a month away–maybe I’ll check back here in a month to see how close we got):

  • Return to a traditional Warcraft/fantasy setting and story (Azeroth)

  • Focus on intrinsic class systems and progression moving forward

  • Utilize the entire body of WoW content for fully scalable leveling to cap (Chromie time was a good step in this direction, but level 1 to level cap anywhere, in any dungeon, no restrictions would be ideal)

  • No more realm barriers per region (guilds and AH unified across a regions, /rp flag similar to /pvp flag to replace RP realms–bonus if cross-region transfers were allowed)

  • RP-oriented options, such as player housing and surnames (it’s well past time)

  • A new, more modern, more customizable default user interface

Unrealistic or way-out bonus points:

  • Cloud streaming support (play WoW via BNet streaming service from any platform)

  • Alts-as-followers (think WoD or Legion-style NPC followers in the world, but from your own character list)

  • Account-wide everything except character levels and gear (inventory, currencies, everything else is account-wide)

  • As a special 20th anniversary event, bring back the original pre-1.4 unarmored mounts

Okay, that’s my list. Point and say what great or terrible ideas these are, but this is what I would like to see and what I think would truly re-energize this game to a new level.

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I’d really like to see the main story arc of the expansion spread out so that there is more meaningful story content released more frequently. I feel like the story team and devs spend a ton of time creating the story content for the leveling portion, only to have players consume thousands of hours of work in like 2 weeks. Then, the story team needs to come up with something for the first patch that ties to the raid. However, that content is usually incredibly sparse (see Broken Shore, Nazjatar, Korthia).

Can we not have more substantive story content after the leveling experience? Why does 90% of the expansion story content lead up to the first raid, which is released 3 weeks after launch? I feel like this is a remnant of Vanilla, but the dev team only has 10 levels of player time to get the subsequent content out instead of 60 levels.

Would it have been so bad if we did Bastion, Ardenweald, and Revendreth to get the drought story leading to Castle Nathria, then got to do Maldraxxus, the missing Primus story and the 2 dungeons a couple weeks later? (Obviously having to chose covenants and covenant abilities factored into that, but those were super boring anyway). Did we really need to do the Vol’dun and Drustvar story lines before Uldir opened?

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You guys are making some great suggestions, keep it all up yo.

Now that Dragonflight has been revealed, I am gonna state some of my initial thoughts.

I think personally they are making great progress in the expac and it looks very far along. I am looking forward to that pre order that’s for sure. I am most (I am a featured kinda guy myself heheh) excited for the talent tree, UI overhaul and the professions changes.

A little known feature that is also coming is the chromie time updates which I think sound amazing as hell. I think those sorts of features are where the game should be heading in general.

I wanna eventually (Maybe with Dragonflight too!) see account bound gold and much more core mechanics like reputation account bound.

I personally play a lot of alts, and I’ve temp paused leveling many of them in favor of the upcoming changes. I want to see a lot of core changes to the game itself added and updated regularly.

I personally would like to see Dragonflight adding world quests to the old world myself.

I think something like that would rock hahah.

But yeah guys, I’m personally extremely excited for Dragonflight.

It’s going to be a true blizzard comeback story heheh.

What features yall wanna see added or developed up in Dragonflight? By the way folks the Dracthyr look amazing.

With the return to talent trees, I’d like to see Mistweaver Monk and Holy Paladin get equally viable melee and range options. If you wanna play fistweaving, go for it and be viable. If you want to play ranged Holy Pally, you can still do M+.

I’d also like to see a 30% movement speed buff when in legacy instance content. No need to spend a whole night running one old raids or dungeon for transmog.

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Yo bro. I THINK there will be some sort of a hybrid talent tree for each spec. In the case of Monk that may bring back your fist weaving idea which I’d like to see more of to. I’m a Pally main and Drood heheh I wanna see Ret and Protection style trees. I wanna see tanking be a thing with two handed weapons too holy crap that would rock.

Also I think I’m def gonna do the hybrid specs myself. I do a lot of theory crafting since I patiently grind a lot in game. Well see where it all goes bro. I wanna see fist weaving be a thing to. I wanna see them take the game back to where more like player choice with regards to like hybrid specs you know? I also wanna see weapon type matter again.

Why can’t I tank with a two hander weapon for example? OR rock a shield with a two handed weapon some type of titan grip upgrade there. But yeah I wanna see a lot of this going forward to.

I think great things are coming we’re all in for a wild ride. My theory crafting senses are tingling yo. hahah. Anyway bro stay safe!