10.0 requests for Enhance

Enhance Lightning Bolt needs its own animation because, aside from putting your weapons away, the “instant” cast Isn’t. Friggin. Instant. There’s a really noticeable delay.

You can actually use it with a Frost Shock or Earthbind Totem. But also is AoE which is something not many classes have.

Still the fact that we lost 15 sec on cooldown in that ability from Legion to BfA and got a talent to “regain” the lost of cooldown time is sad. It shows how little creativity and ideas the devs have to improve a spec that has been the last 4 years in shambles.

Assuming they don’t just kill or use a mobility tool to avoid it.

They cant. If you drop one after the other, the Earthbind will slow them for a few seconds and even if they kill the totem, they are already slowed. Cap totem burst in 2 seconds and it’s time enough.

Of course a good player could outplay it with a Blink, Leap or whatever, but high end players still can kill the Cap Totem before it pops. Bajheera always do that. Another argument to have about how Shaman toolkit it’s just a bunch of gimmicky memes that lose value at some point because everyone can counter them completely.


I want earthshock back. And the debuff ss used to have back

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Actually Frosh Shock is better. You have a hitter and a slow in the same attack. You dont wanna have the hitter in Earth Shock and the slow in Frost Shock.

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Now that I think of it…

It’s kinda patethic that the lazy Dev’s team has driven the playerbase to make request to improve things like this, from one expansion to the next in 18 months.

I hope that when Warcraft dies and everyone forgets this game, the developer team knows that it’s absolutely their fault. Specially Ion. You have millions of players telling you every day how they wanna play the game and what improvements they need to see to enjoy the game. But dont wanna listen.

Instead you have created a playerbase that has lost so much hope that they expect to see some little improvement in the very distant future, because they already know that no major or impactful change will be made to they favorite class or spec in the next month or so. For the people that plays Enhancement there has been no hope of playing a good spec since the end of Legion, and that’s a lot, if you consider I’m looking the other way to flaws the spec had even in 2017.

Ion, I really hope that in the grave of Warcraft, you know it was you and your team who killed this game.

Shame on this team of developers.