10-year late night CE guild - 9:30 PST start - LFM DPS/Healers - 2/8M

Pain Smith down, started pulls on Guardian!

Hello friends

Hi Al! /holyhellIforgotabout10charswhyisthisstillathing

Recruitment bump before I forget

Happy Hump Day friends

Time for raid

7/10 Mythic now, Fatescribe at 2%

Need some healer friends for 8/10

7/10 feels good but being 8/10 is better. Need some healy friends

It’s a good day to kill fatescribe. Looking for friendly disc priest to say hi to KT

Shadow Priest and Holy Paladin Thursday

What day is it? Guys I’m lost. Help.

Pre raid bump for priests

And 8/10 now. Still looking for Priest & Paladin!

Looking for cool kids who can tell me what day it is.

Healers don’t exist apparently

Shadow Priests and Holy Paladin where are you on Friday nights jeez

Looking for more priests to finish out the tier

Looking for friends who dont keep secrets from their mother

More importantly, looking for a Paladin and/or Priest.