10-year late night CE guild - 9:30 PST start - LFM DPS/Healers - 2/8M

LF DPS that means Not looking for Healers

Thursday post time

time for the Friday post

Hello are you recruiting dps?

Most def recruiting dps

Little bump

Big bump…

Its a good time for a post

Need more dps please

Late night dps looking for a good time, come talk to us

I think I stayed up too late. Looking for dps and now I’m at the limit

Still looking for dps

6/10 Mythic
9:30 PST Start Time
Long-time Cutting Edge guild

LF Boomkin, Warlock, Unholy DK

More info in top post!

Tuesday is a good time to post

Dps wanted please

need those dps

Adding Marksman Hunter to the wish list!

6/10 Mythic
9:30 PST Start Time
Long-time Cutting Edge guild

LF Boomkin, Warlock, Unholy DK, MM Hunter

More info in top post!

Still needing those dps classes

DPS who run dungeons

6/10 Mythic
9:30 PST Start Time
Long-time Cutting Edge guild

LF Boomkin, Warlock, Unholy DK, MM Hunter

More info in top post!