10-year late night CE guild - 9:30 PST start - LFM DPS/Healers - 2/8M

12/12 Mythic
9:30 PST Start Time
Long-time Cutting Edge guild

Looking for any DPS, must have a solid Mythic track record.

Looks like this thread needs a bump.


Stop invoking the old magic Tewa.


Did Tewa just do a DJ Khaled impression?

Bump /10charsisstilstupidwhydotheymakemedothis

The badass has been slipping. Up we go

Been slacking too.

We killed Nzoth again. Go us

Mid day bumping. Where’s this elusive warrior at

Bumping time.

Thursday bumping time

Looking for more motivated dps

Uh oh, I’m at my 3 post cap again

12/12 Mythic
9:30 PST Start Time
Long-time Cutting Edge guild

Looking for any DPS, must have a solid Mythic track record.

bump rtydfdrtudrsety

Bump sdgfbhjnklgvfdbsabjhkl

Hi there. I’m a 478 Ret, very motivated to progress and push and be a good overall raid player. Still spots?

Time for bed bump.