10-year late night CE guild - 9:30 PST start - LFM DPS/Healers - 2/8M


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come one come all

7/9M Top dmg on our Smold kill. I added the discord account provided in this post.
Years of Mythic exp, expert exceptional player of my class master of my spec.
World TOP 200 in my class.
I’d be interested in some talks really enjoyed what I read in this post.
Thanks for your time. Cheers.

Bumpity bump

The character connected to my bnet is not my main. I know Shadow Priest isn’t in the best place atm. History of CE raiding including top 100 2 night. https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/tichondrius/moxjix#private=1
Are my logs. Recently joined a new guild that had a red flag appear after I joined and am looking for a new place. I recently came back from a break and my old connections aren’t around so I had to start in lower mythic guilds. Intended on staying in this guild, but doesn’t appear things will work out. I’ve mained every class but 2 over my time and have healed in the past if flex healing would be required can bring things back up to par. Moxtix#1529 is my btag.

Still looking! Please find us on RIO and WLOGS!

Bump /10chars

Bump /10chars

We got CE! Recruiting for Season 4 and War Within

Thread updated after the mandated 3 days of festivities with Fyrrak down.

Openings for the following:
Disc Priest
Holy Paladin
DPS Death Knight
Havoc DH
Shadow Priest
Balance or Feral Druid
Enhancement Shaman


Come join us in Fated and The War Within!

Bumping time.

It’s bumping time.

LF Mythic raiders, apply now!

What that cool paladin said.

10-year CE guild, LFM, 9:30 PM pacficic time start Tue/Wed/Thu

Openings for the following:
Disc Priest
Holy Paladin
DPS Death Knight
Havoc DH
Shadow Priest
Balance or Feral Druid
Enhancement Shaman

Bumping time.

Raid just started bump.

Killed a stupid dragon for a second time bump.